O what a mystery, the Savior

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O what a mystery, the Savior
    With me is one!
O what a marvelous salvation
  God gives me in His Son!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
    Glorious mystery!
Nothing in heav’n or earth can sever
  Jesus my Lord from me!

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Lilly Ho

Santiago, Región Metropolitana

Aleluya!! Gracias Señor por ser mi Salvador, gracias Señor por hacerme uno contigo! Aleluya! Estas ahi cuando te necesito, Aleluya! Dios en Su Hijo es!!! Aleluya!!! Ahora se Señor, que nada me apartará de Ti. Aleluya!!! Glorifico Tu santo Nombre Señor!

Oh Señor Jesús! Oh Señor Jesús!!!

Stanza 2 is added:

1. Oh, what a mystery, the Savior

With me is one!

Oh, what a marvelous salvation

God gives me in His Son!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Glorious mystery!

Nothing in heav’n or earth can sever

Jesus my Lord from me!

2. Oh, how transcendent! With the Savior

I have been raised;

Sin, devil can no longer bother,

Through all eternal days!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

What transcendency!

We two as one now live together—

Jesus my Lord and me!

Piano Hymns