Search 1267
E221 Lord, we thank Thee for the table Classic
E93 Lord, we treasure with affection Classic
E937 Lord, when by baptism we confess Classic
NS151ht Mahimala, kay hiwaga! New Songs
E742 Man is a being of three parts Classic
E814 Man shall not live by bread alone Classic
E17 My Father God, when on Thy vast creation Classic
E811 My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst Classic
E793 My soul, be silent, wait upon the Lord Classic
E948 Myst'ry hid from ages now revealed to me Classic
E908 Not of letters, but of spirit Classic
E541 Not the law of letters Classic
E12 O God, Thou art the source of life Classic
E12b O God, Thou art the source of life (Alternate Tune) Classic
E15 O God, Thou art transcendent Classic
E24 O God, in Christ all focused is Classic
E10 O God, th' eternal Father, Thou Classic
E10b O God, th' eternal Father, Thou (Alternate Tune) Classic
E976 O Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones Classic
E539 O Lord, Thou art in me as life Classic
E8400 O Lord, Thou art in me as life (revised) Classic
E201 O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete Classic
E202 O Lord, Thou art the Alpha Classic
E61 O Lord, Thou art the Son of man Classic
E493 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now Classic