Songs that were recently commented on

God's Faithfulness Revealed by the Rainbow Worship of the Father
Me too... M. C. and now L. S. How can we find out who they are to thank them?
To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
The Church's one foundation The Church
Thank you. I hadn't the lyrics but the holy tune filled my heart this morning. I hummed and found it via Google. To the glory of …
Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I can’t help but say Hallelujah for the Lord is faithful indeed. Reading your comments gives me me hope to…
Under His wings I am safely abiding Experience of Christ
Under the shelter of God's love I rest under his wings. I know I will abide safely under God's love and wings
Turn your eyes upon Jesus Encouragement
I didn't quite recall when I last hammed the hymn but while my Pastor was preaching on the theme "fix your thoughts on Jesus", this hymn…
Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This is blessed song
All things are ready, come to the feast Gospel
I woke up at 3:30 am and was unsure if I should go to a short event held by some Christian friends. I thought " I am too busy. My Mom needs …
The Great Physician now is near Gospel
Always works wonders Spiritual transformation
Father with Thee in secret I would be Experience of God
I'm struggling as I'm reading stage 3 of the Experience of Life. I feel it's impossible to live the Christian life But this hymn …
All the way my Savior leads me Comfort in Trials
It's is a shame that two generations have gone by where these hymns of the faith have never been heard by our children and our children's…
Begone, unbelief Comfort in Trials
This has been my most Favorite comforting Hymnal ever. Back at Teacher College of Education, University, Marriage, Depression and Divorce,…
The best love for the Lord Experience of Christ
You’ve the right to take all that I love, But replace it with Yourself much more. You are what I need, give Yo…
We Know, We Know (I'm Gonna Praise God) Scriptures for Singing
Praise God