Father with Thee in secret I would be

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Father with Thee in secret I would be,
Just to allow Thy Son to pray through me;
Waiting in love to hear Thy blest reply,
Thy heart revealed to me in Christ thereby.
Father with Thee in secret I would meet,
E’er to delight in, fellowship so sweet;
In Thy blest Son, abundant life’s supplied,
My empty, broken heart is satisfied.
Father with Thee in secret I would meet,
Closed to the world with all its dark deceit,
Only the fragrance of Thy lovely Son
Passing between us, He our rest becomes.
Father with Thee in secret I’d remain,
Letting Thy light my thoughts and will make plain,
Thy Son, my only plea, I now embrace,
Sheltered in Him from my unholy ways.
Father with Thee in secret I would be,
Seeking Thy will’s fulfillment thus to see,
Christ as the first in all things big and small;
Heaven and earth Thy glory shown to all.
Chris Condon

Fargo, ND, United States

I'm struggling as I'm reading stage 3 of the Experience of Life. I feel it's impossible to live the Christian life

But this hymn came to me and encourages me to persevere. With God it's possible.

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

We commune with the unseen Father who sees us, and manifests Christ to and through us in our secret times with Him. He surely knows every need of our heart before we ask Him. “Pray to your Father who is in secret…your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly…for your Father knows what things you have need of, before you ask Him” – Matthew 6:6, 8.

A Sister

Pretoria, Gauteng

Only the fragrance of Thy lovely Son

Passing between us, He our rest becomes.