Songs that were recently commented on
Faith of our fathers, living still
The Church
This song is soul upliftingTake my life, and let it be Consecration
We are so blessed to know this song through the book from Pst. Rick Warren on page 214 Better Together (what on earth are we here for? ):…Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Wonderful hymn. Is a motivational hymn. I love ❤️ hearing it early in the morning.In Nothing Be Anxious (from The Comfort Abounds) Encouragement
Praise the Lord! Toward man we need to let our forbearance known by living Christ and magnifying Christ. Toward God, we need to…Jesus, O living Word of God Consecration
All that we can give to You is our whole being love outpoured. Lord we belong to you. Use us Thoroughly!Come and rejoice with me Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Come and rejoice with meCreate in me a clean heart, O God Scriptures for Singing
Lord, create in us a clean heart! Purify and cleanse our heart. We turn to You and we depend on You. We do not trust in ourselves, and we…
Whosoever heareth! shout, shout the sound
A great piece of a generation that makes me rewind the history of my family. My Mother and Uncle (Pr) used to sing that hymn a lot, and I…沒有間隔主 羨慕-與主交通
阿們這是我們的禱告!Pass me not, O gentle Savior Gospel
Plead my course oh gentle saviour and do not pass me by, now and ever, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN.I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
Just finish singing this song in church today. This my season thank you Jesus. Continue to plant my feet on higher ground hallelujah.Trust and obey Experience of Christ
Very powerful 👏
Blessed assurance
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank you Jesus for everythingOne sat alone beside the highway begging Gospel
My first memory of this song is of my Mother singing it in church when I was a little boy in the late 40's, early 50's. I have sung it in…Not I, but Christ be honored, loved, exalted Experience of Christ
When my beautiful bride and I married in 1978, she joined with me in having “Not I But Christ” as our entrance march song. The hymn was “ann…What miracle! What mystery! Experience of Christ
AmenBeneath the cross of Jesus Glorying in the Cross
I had never known the part with "oh, trysting place where heaven's love and heaven's justice meet"! What an amazing condensation of all…Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r Gospel
A powerful hymn calling for repentance, As the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is far approachingThis Opportunity Longings
Lord, gain me TODAY!Lord, I've set my heart Experience of Christ
Lord I’ve set my heart. My desire is only you ohhhhhhhhh Lorddddddddd Jesussssssss!!!!!!I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
Just finish singing this song in church today. This my season thank you Jesus. Continue to plant my feet on higher ground hallelujah.
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice
Always the cross, forever the cross for me. Draw me nearer LordAmazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…Crown Him with many crowns Praise of the Lord
Though he was born in England, Matthew Bridges lived a number of years in Canada, and then returned to England before his death. Raised in…Thou art love and Thou art light, Lord Worship of the Father
Lord we will praise You, never ceasing. We will praise You as our Light Life and Love