Songs that were recently commented on
More about Jesus would I know
Love this song from I was a child, going church with my grandmother, It has never left me More about JESUS let me…When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed Comfort in Trials
Father, I thank you always for the love and care that you have for me and my family.There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Gospel
Hidden friend with a very strong presence O how I love Him always there rain or shine I love you Lord Jesus
What a Friend we have in Jesus
I believe God sees me and knows what am going through. The Holy Spirit just spoke to me through this song. Thank You Father God in Heaven…Something every heart is loving Experience of Christ
"a shadow of that glory of my hidden life in Thee" And my God will fill your every need according to His riches, in glory, in…Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Gospel
What a wonderful song! First heard it in 2011, and it has been my favorite hymn ever since.Glory, glory to the Father Blessing of the Trinity
Lord with Your mercy may the new year bring me nearer and dearer to You each day, so I can praise Thee!! And enjoy You!Behold how good and how pleasant it is Scriptures for Singing
What a way to dwell among the believers in the presence of the Lord.Stand up! stand up for Jesus (Alternate Tune) Spiritual Warfare
Good song
Amazing Grace
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
AMAZING grace.King of my life, I crown Thee now Praise of the Lord
Nothing casual - Jesus alone. He is indeed the Light of the world. We love Him because he first loved us.... Bought with a great price.…Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
it just takes me one two minutes after hearing a song or two to get in the right frame of mind for …One sat alone beside the highway begging Gospel
My first memory of this song is of my Mother singing it in church when I was a little boy in the late 40's, early 50's. I have sung it in…We praise Thee, O God Worship of the Father
Oh, the awesome love of God our Father. He sent His Son, not to condemn us, but to redeem us. We were guilty, yet He looked beyond our…Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin Comfort in Trials
Beautiful hymn.Our Father, as the evergreen Worship of the Father
Abba father we worship you. Father we adore you Hallelula AmenGod is Spreading in My Being Scriptures for Singing
May the God of peace sanctify us wholly!
I hear the words of love
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
In an ever changing world - never for the better - it’s good to remember Jesus is our only stability. The same yesterday and today and fo…Master, speak! Thy servant heareth Study of the Word
This is a good prayer for everyone that desire live. There are so much distractions and it's only the voice of the Master that can lead and …For her The Church
How much He longs for you to come And open up— To let Him in to every part. This line touched me the most. Th…Jesus is all the world to me Experience of Christ
This was one of my favorite songs during our 17 years at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis. I can almost hear Jim Whitmire leading the…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
AMAZING grace.I'm coming again to this Fountain within Experience of Christ
Amen! This is such a wonderful song. It's now my new favorite! I open a little to the Lord and then in comes a tide!! The more that I drink …I hear Thy welcome voice Gospel
Twas at peace singing this beautiful song. Greetings all the way from the beautiful land Philippines.God our Father, we adore Thee Worship of the Father
Oh how we just adore thee!!