Songs that were recently commented on

Beneath the cross of Jesus Glorying in the Cross
I had never known the part with "oh, trysting place where heaven's love and heaven's justice meet"! What an amazing condensation of all…
My faith has found a resting place Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I woke up with this hymn in mind . Remembering that today is Ash Wednesday. That Christ has paid the price of sin for me. So I need no…
The name of Jesus is so sweet Praise of the Lord
I was at work and I found myself singing and crying , this song I went into google and got the words, it is a song with sweet melody and…
Open up to your parents Principles on How to Be a Proper Human Being
I love it! But we don't want to put all the pressure on the kids. What if we added a third verse for the Parents to be the example? …
When we believe into the Son The Church
The world is longing, seeking for peace, Yet wars and rumors of wars still increase. There is no way for men to end…
Turn your eyes upon Jesus Encouragement
I didn't quite recall when I last hammed the hymn but while my Pastor was preaching on the theme "fix your thoughts on Jesus", this hymn…
Christian, seek not yet repose Prayer
Lovely 🙏🏻
In the stream! in the stream! let us work Service
In Acts 1:14 the saints were praying in one accord, then in 2:4 they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, then in 2:41 there were 3, 000…
Rock of Ages, cleft for me Gospel
This song is ever new each time l sing it. When I am threatened by any danger, this song quickly comes to my mind and restores peace and…
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak Service
Here after listening to Seedbed Ministries/JD Walt’s Wake Up Call podcast!
Whene'er we meet with Christ endued Meetings
If at every meeting we attend we share some experience of Christ, this will minister life, and all will be encouraged and built up!