The Uniqueness of the Lord’s Recovery

Cs540 NS321
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Glorious vision, I have seen it: My life is meant for God’s economy!
Earthly bondage, I have left it: My heart outpours for the Lord’s recovery!
Divine Trinity, Divine dispensing: Christ to be life as Spirit real is He;
Churches of God, Body of Christ, New Jerusalem—how I long to see.
O Lord, we give ourselves afresh, Into Your training hands to be,
Molded, shaped, and worked on daily, To be vessels of Your glory!
May all my life and work declare, Uniqueness of Your recovery
To build Your Body, prepare Your bride, To bring You back, fulfill Your longing!
Heav’n and earth shall have one living: God and man in organic union live,
Resurrection power supplying, Conformed to Christ’s death, no longer I live!
Take His model, tread His footsteps, Go out the camp to live within the veil,
Walk with God, obey His headship, New man un’versal, God’s kingdom to bring.
As the members of one Body, Built up in love, support in spirit each,
Christ dispensing, Spirit minist’ring, Blending until we’re all made one in Him.
Give our whole being, one soul to be, Vital groups forming, build up Body His,
Gospelize and truthize widely, Shepherd as God, New Revival to reach.
Zion Highways, Our heart’s longing, Though pass through Baca valley yet not cease,
All loss count we, Refuse, rubbish; Care for God’s interests, vision ever heed.
My Lord shall be no more delayed, Be overcomers, pave the way for Him!
Conquering all foes, reigning with Him, How splendid, beauteous, Zion the High Peak!
Chun Wang

Odessa, TX, United States

2. Heav’n and earth shall have one living: God and man in organic union live,

Resurrection power supplying, Conformed to Christ’s death, no longer I live!

Take His model, tread His footsteps, Go out the camp to live within the veil,

Walk with God, obey His headship, New man un’versal, God’s kingdom to bring.

O Lord, grant us this vision, to live such a life, for Your goal, the reality of the Body of Christ!


California, United States

O Lord, we give ourselves afresh,

Into Your training hands to be,

Molded, shaped, and worked on daily,

To be vessels of Your glory!


"We need to be conformed to Christ’s death so that by ANY means we may attain to the out-resurrection from the dead; this is the ONLY way for the Lord to go on in His recovery, the ONLY way to build up His church, the ONLY way for the bride to make herself ready, and the ONLY way to bring the Lord back."

- The Experience of Christ, p. 482-83

Mariegel Dalaguete

Leduc, Alberta, Canada

Praise You Lord Jesus for the work of recovery of Your unique Body, the genuine church. Thank You that You have led us from going outside the camp to live within the veil, to serve You, the true and living God. There is no other place that we long to stay but here Lord, in your presence. Today, we give ourselves to Your training hands afresh. Continue to mold, shape and work on us daily until we be conformed to be vessels of Your glory. We love You dear Lord Jesus... 💕💗💖

Will Williams

Austin, Texas, United States

Lord Jesus, keep molding and shaping us to be vessels of Your glory.

Rembrandt Sajonia

Tarlac City, Tarlac, Philippines

Oh Lord we give ourselves afresh! Lord we want to be molded by You. Thank You Lord for training us!


Laguna, Calamba, City, Philippines

Praise the Lord!!! Hallelujah!!!

Joshua Chang

Chino Hills, CA, United States

Hallelujah I know that my life is for God’s economy! Lord, no more delaying Your return!! Keep molding and shaping me every day for Your eternal purpose!

Ling Jeng

Alhambra, California, United Kingdom

O Lord, may we prepare fully for Your coming. Mold us and train us day by day.


Los Angeles, CA, United States

May all my life and work declare uniqueness of Your recovery!