Zion is God’s habitation.
Sing praises in Zion,
The city of our King.
Zion, the place of His choosing
Where saints are rejoicing.
Here God is their salvation.
Sing praises in Zion,
The city of our King.
Zion, the place of His choosing
Where saints are rejoicing.
Here God is their salvation.
Beautiful Zion,
In elevation,
The joy of our King,
His satisfaction,
The joy of the whole earth.
In elevation,
The joy of our King,
His satisfaction,
The joy of the whole earth.
Zion: how good and how pleasant,
The greatest enjoyment!
It’s like the precious ointment.
Zion, how good and how pleasant,
In oneness we’re dwelling.
The dew, oh how refreshing!
The greatest enjoyment!
It’s like the precious ointment.
Zion, how good and how pleasant,
In oneness we’re dwelling.
The dew, oh how refreshing!
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
How good and how pleasant,
The best enjoyment!
Our oneness is just Him.
How good and how pleasant,
The best enjoyment!
Our oneness is just Him.
Zion: our oneness a Person,
As ointment, He’s moving,
As dew He is descending,
Zion: our God is our dwelling,
As ointment, He’s strengthening,
As dew, He’s so supplying.
As ointment, He’s moving,
As dew He is descending,
Zion: our God is our dwelling,
As ointment, He’s strengthening,
As dew, He’s so supplying.
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
How good and how pleasant,
Man’s satisfaction,
Our dwelling is this One.
How good and how pleasant,
Man’s satisfaction,
Our dwelling is this One.
Zion: in God we’re abiding,
Our oneness and living,
The processed God, our all.
Zion, the ultimate blessing,
Of God with man mingling,
The Triune God dispensing.
Our oneness and living,
The processed God, our all.
Zion, the ultimate blessing,
Of God with man mingling,
The Triune God dispensing.
Beautiful churches, the golden lampstands.
God mingling with man;
His satisfaction,
The ultimate consummation!
God mingling with man;
His satisfaction,
The ultimate consummation!
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Fargo, North Dakota, United States
Zion: our oneness a Person,
As ointment, He’s moving,
As dew He is descending,
Zion: our God is our dwelling,
As ointment, He’s strengthening,
As dew, He’s so supplying.
Beautiful Zion, in elevation.
How good and how pleasant,
Man’s satisfaction,
Our dwelling is this One.
Tirane, Albania
2 Dhe unë, Gjoni, pashë qytetin e shenjtë, Jeruzalemin e ri, që zbriste nga qielli, nga Perëndia, që ishte bërë gati si nuse e stolisur për burrin e vet.
3 Dhe dëgjova një zë të madh nga qielli që thoshte: “Ja tabernakulli I Perëndisë me njerëzit! Dhe ai do të banojë me ta; edhe ata do të jenë populli I tij dhe vetë Perëndia do të jetë bashkë me ta, Perëndi e tyre.
4 Dhe Perëndia do të thaijë çdo lot nga sytë e tyre; dhe vdekja nuk do të jetë më; as brengë, as klithma, as mundim, sepse gjërat e mëparshme shkuan. ”
Revolution 21:2, 3, 4
Tirane, Albania
Zion, the place of His choosing
Where saints are rejoicing.
Here God is their salvation.
Dear saints, where can get the Chinese Version of this beautiful hymn? Thanks.
Henderson/Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
OLJ, OLJ, the greatest blessing we receive from You is not what You give us; it is what You make us, what You enable us to become - to become the 'Need' that You have longed for us to fulfill of 'God's Need' - the ones who, by Your mercy and Your grace, are going up to Zion. But we need Your love and strengthening power daily supplying us to complete this rugged journey. Praise You, Thank You and Love You to the uttermost!!!
San Marcos, TX, United States
Beautiful Churches, the Golden Lampstands!
Round Rock, TX, United States
Zion: how good and how pleasant,
It’s like the precious ointment.
Zion, how good and how pleasant,
The dew, oh how refreshing!
(All together)
How good and how pleasant,
The best enjoyment!
Our oneness is just YOU.
Hong Kong, China
Psalm 84:1-2 How lovely are your tabernacles, O Jehovah of hosts ! My soul longs, indeed even faints, For the courts of Jehovah; My heart and my flesh cry out, To the living God.
Oh Lord have mercy upon me, so that my soul always longs for Your habitation. We are Your habitation.
Portland, Oregon, United States
Christ in me, the hope of glory. Abode or Ichabod! Rom. 8:11; Phi. 3:26. Be it unto me according to Thy word. Amen.
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Zion is a joyful happy song.