One day when heaven was filled with His praises,
One day when sin was as black as could be,
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin—
Dwelt among men, my example is He!
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming—O glorious day!
One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain,
One day they nailed Him to die on the tree;
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected;
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He.
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming—O glorious day!
One day they left Him alone in the garden,
One day He rested, from suffering free;
Angels came down o’er His tomb to keep vigil;
Hope of the hopeless, my Savior is He.
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming—O glorious day!
One day the grave could conceal Him no longer,
One day the stone rolled away from the door;
Then He arose, over death He had conquered;
Now is ascended, my Lord evermore.
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming—O glorious day!
One day the trumpet will sound for His coming,
One day the skies with His glory will shine;
Wonderful day, my beloved ones bringing;
Glorious Savior, this Jesus is mine!
Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming—O glorious day!
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Tallinn, Estonia
Reading comments I wonder why people stay in a church that doesn't sing the hymns. We have let the camel (Satan) stick his nose in the tent, now he is completely in and Godly people are out. Kick out the drums, the contemporary feel-good, syrupy garbage! I don't let ANY songs in our church that are not in the hymnal - and that includes specials!!
Love the Gospel in this hymn!
Clearwater, Florida, United States
I so needed to hear this song today. Thanks for being here. The new version with the same words is great, but the hymn is still the best. Brings tears of joy. Happy Easter 2017.
Dumfries, United Kingdom
Thanks. It was very enjoyable to sing the hymns with the music provided. Thank you again.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
As a new Christian I remember loving this song for the message it had in it. So I would sing it to my new born son as I would rock him everyday. Because I love him.and wanted him to know God's love too.
He eventually my son would sing that song with me as I rocked him. It wasn't until I accepted Christ as my Savior God would I hear & honor all those prayers that I prayed for four years before I came to ask Christ to save my soul....then I asked him again, 9 months later God gave me the answer to my prayers. My wonderful brilliant son.
I kept singing to him and I would pray with him and have bible study Gods Word together,
i wanted him to know the Love of God, and His scrafice , what he endured to save all of humanity.
This one song covered it all.
The other one was
"At Calvary "...
Those old hymns say more than anything I've heard from today's music...elevate the
"Years I sent in vanity and pride careing not my Lord was crucified.
Knowing not if was for me HE died, at Calvary."
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Memorial Day "picnic" ...eating inside bc grandma can't go out in the heat...we talked about hymns & I looked this one up on my phone...besides being amazed that I could look this up on my phone...we all...grandma..me..my wife & 3 children sang / listened to all 5 verses..loved having the piano accompanying us...
Maybrook, New York, United States
One Easter about 50 years ago my pastor, Rev. Beatrice Dodge, had us children sing this as a special. Today, almost 50 years later to the day I thought of the words. Thank God for the Internet. God bless everyone who had a part in uplifting my heart in words, music, and comments. God is so good; what must Heaven be like? Eternal joy, peace, celebration, glory, life, fellowship, ...everything from the heart of love of God. I hope all who read this will know and experience that Jesus made it all possible for those who have made the choice for returning the love in living for God here, that we might live with God there. God be all you need for today and every day!
Braden, TN, United States
When God saved me He made me alive from the dead (spiritually) and suddenly these old hymns that formerly seemed dry and meaningless were transformed into living color (2 Cor. 5:17). Now I find there is no need to "doctor" the music, for the words and music already fit perfectly together to make a complete message in song! "Hallelujah! what a Savior! who can take a poor lost sinner, lift him from the miry clay and set him free; I will ever tell the story shouting glory, glory, glory, hallelujah! Jesus ransomed me."
Oh! that others may come to know the living God (John 1:12-13).
My friend, if you have not yet had this experience, then beg God to enable you by his Spirit to receive Christ Jesus the LORD! (Ruler, King or Governor over you Romans 10:13). Ask Him to send you a preacher who knows The Way (Rom.10:14-15).
Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
That is a shame! It is a sign of our times. I have no problem with new songs with new lyrics and melodies, we sing them at our church all the time. There are plenty of spirit filled composers of words and music these days. While I won't spend much time criticizing the modern accompaniment I prefer the traditional, mainly without out the drums and electronic amplification. I was having my devotions this morning and my 10 month old son walked over, so I launched into some praise songs as a way of including him and teaching him about Jesus at his young age. The above is one among others that came to mind. I agree that there's no need to change the words to suit modern sensibilities, if people are offended by words like "vile" it just proves the words are true. What are going to do about how Paul describes every one of us in Romans 1?
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Recently, when this beautiful old hymn was announced in church - Keperra Baptist - a thrill ran through me, a thrill of expectation of being able to sing with all my might these words that have meant so much to me since childhood. Alas! The tune was a travesty! One you couldn't even take home in a basket. I'm sure not even the song leader could sing it without instruments after the service.
Why, oh why are these old hymn tunes changed? For better I can accept, but for worse? Give us the first few words and we "oldies" can sing it for you without music - don't need guitars and drums!
Worse still is when the words are altered. Last Sunday we sang "To God be the glory, great things he has done" and the words were changed from "The vilest offender who truly believes," to I suppose a much more politically acceptable phrase - "And every offender who truly believes." Is Jesus no longer able to save the vilest or have we somehow improved our condition?
Would we change the work of Shakespeare or Wordsworth or even Banjo Patterson for that matter? Then why do we insult the writers of hymns by altering their words as though we now know better? Musical knowledge is more widely available today as never before, but we stoop to nursery rhyme style tunes with accompanying limericks.
Thank God for the songs on which I was raised, they are a blessing to recall and sing in those moments of discouragement, despair and difficulties, but also to eloquently praise and glorify my King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Calgary, AB, Canada
One of my all-time favorites.