We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender

D881 E881 F881 P414 T881
We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender;
  We go not forth alone against the foe;
Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender.
  We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.
Yea, in Thy Name, O Captain of salvation!
  In Thy dear Name, all other names above;
Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation,
  Our Prince of glory and our King of love.
We go in faith, our own great weakness feeling,
  And needing more each day Thy grace to know:
Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing;
  We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.
We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender:
  Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise
When reigning in the Kingdom of Thy splendor;
  Victors, we rest with Thee, through endless days.

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand

Elisabeth, it's not really that strange. There are many songs which are now Public Domain (because of their age and no one alive who is due royalties) which people have borrowed the tune for their own words. The great thing about this one is that these words kind of fit with the style of Be Still My Soul. There are also some Christian songs which have two totally different tunes to which they are variously sung. And they fit perfectly with either melody.


United States

This is weird!! This is the exact tune for 'Be Still My Soul' by Katherina von Schlegel, which is one of my absolute favorite hymns. Wonder how this music was copied??? Strange....

Jeannette Gravett

Ljungby, Sweden

Beautiful hymn I first sang many moons ago at someone's induction service in Cape Town South Africa, my native country.

Our Shield and our Defender, none other than Christ Jesus, Lord of Heaven and our beautiful, devastated planet.

Hlengiwe Priscilla Hlabolwa

Johannesburg-Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa

This song comforts me so much, to know and realise that I have a Saviour in whom I can rest on.

Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy.

Jeanette Neil

Auckland, New Zealand

I also went to Middleton Grange School in Christchurch, New Zealand. This song has just come back to me recently. I sang this with our graduates from form 2 when I was 12 all the way back in 1984. I finally found the words and song now. Thank you Lord. We especially pray for the Muslim people who are being attacked for their faith in Christchurch in 2019. Kia Kaha, stay strong in our faith.

Guy Brown

Katoomba, NSW, Australia

This was the hymn of my school, Middleton Grange in Christchurch New Zealand, might still be. My last year of school was in 1994 but I have found memories of this song and sing it to my children as they go off to sleep. My faith has come and gone a few times and is currently gone but I still love this hymn.

Jessica Broadley


I have just been reading the biography of Nate Saint, a young brother who were killed along with 4 other young missionary men when reaching out to the Acua people in Ecuador. These men sang this hymn the night before they set out. Nate's sister Rachel and Elisabeth (Jim Elliot's wife) then went and lived among the Acua people, bringing Christ to this tribe.

Celita Louback Welsch

Fennville, Michigan, United States

I cried a lot and while singing the will of my Lord is my strength. I love Him and being in so many hostil countries I feel safe because whatever happens to me, I always will be with Him and He always will be with me!


Oh our precious Master, our Author of salvation , Prince of glory, King of Love how we thank You from the depth of our heart . we are Your slaves of Love , Soldiers of Love to bring You back on this earth we long for this our dearest Beloved and Husband.

Ana Lara

Tolland, Connecticut, United States

Edith Gilling Cherry was born February 9th, 1872 Plymouth, Devon, England and died August 29th, 1897. She was only 25 years old, yet in her short life she managed to write poetry and hymns which are still popular today.

Edith was stricken with polio in infancy and needed to walk with the aid of crutches for the rest of her life. At age 6, her only sister, fifteen months younger than she, died. At age 12, she suffered a stroke and on August 29, of 1897, Edith suffered another stroke that caused her early death. Just before passing, Edith and her mother exchanged this conversation “ It all seems so small, all I have tried to do , so small to Him”. Her mother replied “ There are your songs dear, they will carry on your work”. But Edith replied “Ah but they were not mine at all, they were just given to me all ready and all I had to do was write them down”. Her poetry book “The Master’s Touch and Other Poems” are selected poems from the writings of Edith G. Cherry by her mother Matilda Cherry.

The tune for this hymn was written by Finish composer Jean Sibelius (1865-1957). He wrote musical score for a historical tableaux in a pageant that celebrated and supported Finland’s press against Russian oppression.

Piano Hymns