O Bread to pilgrims given (revised)

C299 CB380 E8299 K299 R76 T380
O Bread to pilgrims given,
  O Food for saints to eat,
O Manna sent from heaven,
  For heav’n-born natures meet;
Give us, for Thee long pining,
  To eat till richly filled;
Till, earth’s delights resigning,
  Our every wish is stilled.
O Water, life bestowing,
  From out the Savior’s heart,
A fountain purely flowing,
  A fount of love Thou art.
Oh, let us, freely tasting,
  Our burning thirst assuage;
Thy sweetness, never wasting,
  Avails from age to age.
We eat Thee, drink, enjoy Thee,
  With worship, gratitude.
In Word and Spirit taste Thee,
  Thy love’s vast plenitude.
Keep us upon Thee feeding,
  To live by Thee sustained.
Thy full-grown stature reaching,
  Thy full expression gained.