O God, our help in ages past

B364 C9607 E607
O God, our help in ages past,
  Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
  And our eternal home.
Under the shadow of Thy throne
  Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
  And our defence is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
  Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
  To endless years the same.
A thousand ages in Thy sight
  Are like an evening gone;
Short as the watch that ends the night
  Before the rising sun.
Time, like an ever-rolling stream,
  Bears all its sons away;
They fly forgotten, as a dream
  Dies at the opening day.
O God, our help in ages past,
  Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guard while life shall last,
  And our eternal home.
Prince Bright

Aba, Enyimba Province, Nigeria

This hymns comforts me it makes me feel a prayer answered

Most atimes it will under my voice after praying and at that time all worries will disappeared

Thank you saivour


Newton Abbot, Devon, United Kingdom

Well said All. I hope your lives will be good, mine, at 87 is nearly finished, and an enemy, full of hate, is closing in on me, I repeat this hymn to myself, several times a day, to help fend off he who would wish me ill.


Pearland, Texas, United States

I just finished my Upper Room meditation for today, Easter Monday. It was entitled “Be not dismayed “. The main scripture was Psalm 121. I have memorized this Psalm, many , many years ago. I read it from NKJV. After the devotional I went back to the scripture. And asked the question it asks, from whence comes my help ? .. The response for me is always the psalmist reply, my help comes from the Lord. From there I just started singing this hymn, and of course needed a little assistance to not mix use the verses. So, I come to this wonderful website when my memory fails. God is our help now and forever, and is always there with us. Isaiah 41:10. God bless .


Trivandrum, Kerala, India

I remember my college days at meston college of education Chennai where this hymn was sung every day before we start our lessons , so soothing , relaxing and bringing near to our ever loving creator as we recite .

Feyi Jaye

Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

This song brings up deep emotions in me. It is full of inspiration. May God's name be praised. Amen.

Emmanuel Okoroafor

Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom

In my meditation this morning, I thought of my growth through the Anglican church and singing in the choir, I remembered how much I cherished this hymn, how that I made this piece my choir's family Anthem. This song has never left my lips each time I am faced with trials and pains and with uncertainties like we had through the pandemic chapter 1 and 2, and now we are getting to the 3rd. I realised that it doesnt matter the variant, and the phases, God who reigns beyond time ans space will be our guard while troubles last.

I sang and read through the lines of this Ancient hymn and was strengthened by the encourging words of the lyrics. David always prayed to the God who is our present help in times of need. God has been so faithful, he can never forsake us no matter what may come our ways.

God who has been our help in the years before we were born to the years we have not known will always protect us while these troubles last. He will keep us under the canopy and shelter and sahdow of his almighty wings.

I pray for the one reading this comment that this same God will keep you and all yours in a time like this. You will not be forsaken and God will prove himself mighty and strong on your behalf. This trouble will also pass by and we will always prais our God.

O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come,

Be Thou our guard while Corona virus and other tragic situations , wars, and violencel last, and bring us to our eternal home.


Pearland, Texas, United States

Like you Mable I was up early. I am reading through a book called Praying through the names of God. The section I was reading was on ‘Hope of Israel’. The scripture for the day was partly from Hebrews 6:19 “ We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. ” I started looking for commentary on the verse, and found so much there. Knowing now that Jesus is our Hope, he is our Anchor. The more I read the more I wanted to hear and be very certain of God as my refuge, my anchor and always my hope.

I am comforted by this and excited. The author ended the days meditation with the first verse of this hymn, sang so often when I was a child growing up. I too sought out he full hymn and sang along. God is our eternal hope , and shelter.

Prayers for you Mable that your circumstance will change for the better, but stay strong as we know that God is always right there with us, no matter what.

Mable McDonald


Unable to sleep I was up after 3:00 am. There is a lot going on with me right now and I felt so confused. As I sat at my desk trying to sort through all my problems in my head, I remembered the first verse of this song. I quickly googled it and sang the whole hymn. I felt comforted in knowing that My God who has helped me in the past will see me through because in Him alone there is hope. I got a lot of asssuraces from this song. Thank God for hymnal.net.

Nathan Thompson

Fountain, CO, United States

I'm going to sing this hymn tomorrow evening at my prayer meeting at the same time another member reads Psalm 27.

Olu Forrestal

North Providence, RI, United States

I woke up and my thought were filled with all the stress I was going through. It’s my birthday today but my heart was stressed I couldn’t be thankful. After ranting inwardly for a while I began asking God to change my heart to be full of appreciation to Him ( I know things aren’t so bad as they appear). I also asked that the Lord change my heart to desire His way and will for me. He brought this Hymn into my remembrance and I had to google it to get the complete lyrics!! Truly this hymn has lifted my spirit and confirms that He is in control of my life and heart!! Thank you Jesus!!!! I am so grateful for everything you have and are doing for me!!