When the Lord descends from heaven

When the Lord descends from heaven, and God’s trumpet sound we hear,
Those who sleep will rise, and death will swallowed be.
When the Lord descends from heaven, raptured we will be who live,
And our bodies be transformed in liberty.
When the Lord will come in glory
We will see His glorious body;
When the Lord will come in glory,
To transfigure all His sons, we’ll have a share.
When the Lord descends from heaven, then the morning bright will dawn,
This dark night will pass, and weeping will be o’er.
When the Lord descends from heaven, days of glory will begin;
Sighing and corruption gone forevermore.
E’er the Lord will come from heaven, the bright morning star will shine,
Those who watch escape the trial, gain the prize.
Then the Lord will come and as the Sun of righteousness will reign;
Earth will be restored, God’s mercy realize.
Soon the Lord will come from heaven; may we watch and wait with prayer,
Loins be girt about, and lamps be burning bright.
Soon the Lord will come from heaven, may we serve Him faithfully,
Thus the ministry fulfill, our gifts incite.
Maria Levi

Los Angeles, CA

Our Lord will soon come again, the shining, bright Morning Star,

When we are watchful, we escape the great trial and gain Him as our prize;

The Lord will come and will reign as the Sun of righteousness,

With healing in His wings, and the earth will be restored!

O Lord, let us watch and wait with prayer,

Our loins be girt about, our lamps be burning bright.

May we serve You to the end faithfully,

Inciting our gifts, and fulfilling Your ministry.