Years I spent in sorrow ’round the cross

C1208 E1208 G1208 K834 LSM219 R472 T1208
Years I spent in sorrow ’round the cross,
Still repenting over sins and dross.
Then at last the river I did cross,
  To touch the throne.
Mercy now is flowing, oh, the grace—
That I find of Him to run the race!
Boldly now I come again to taste
    My glorious Lord.
In my Christian life I’d daily fall,
So I answered every altar-call,
Till I left the altar, left it all,
  To touch the throne.
Brothers, to the Holiest forward come;
Leave your sins behind, the race now run.
Hallelujah! All the work is done—
  The veil is gone!
Now within the veil, enjoying God,
Manna, law of life, and budding rod;
Christ Himself, the ark, is our abode—
Frank Scavo

Irvine, CA, United States

Dear saints, I just discovered that this hymn has been preserved here. Thank you! I wrote these lyrics in the 1970s, during the week-long conference on the book of Hebrews. All the thoughts in this song are taken from that precious book. They speak of our need to move on from the initial experience of Christ at the altar (repentance) to enter into the holy of holies, our spirit, where we experience Christ as our life in so many aspects.

Jordan Selio

United States

oh! the! grace!


Gainesville, FL, United States

It is by God’s mercy that we are in the church and it is by His mercy that we are kept here, enjoying God! Thank You, God, for Your boundless, flowing mercy!

Tony Chiang

LA, CA, United States

Hallelujah, all the work is done! Boldly now I come again to taste My glorious Lord!


Praise the Lord, the world is done.

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Hallelujah! All the work is done!

Jason T

Quezon City, Philippines

Hallelujah for the throne of grace!

Enabling us to run the race. Hallelujah!


California, United States

Hallelujah! We may now come forward with boldness to touch the throne of grace! Oh Lord Jesus we praise You! Praise Him saints that He is our wonderful Way!

"Mercy now is flowing, oh the grace-

That I find of Him to run the race!

Boldly now I come again to taste

My glorious Lord"!

Victoria Lundy

Columbia, SC, United States

God is so amazing: Christ broke the veil and now we can touch God. We can touch Him, feel His breath upon our face, hug Him, kiss His face, come closer. This is an amazing song about just being closer to God. A timeless classic: new tunes may come and go but the words are so powerful they live on!

Igor Savinkin

Kaliningrad, Russia

Yes, now the way is open for us to enter the Holy of Holiest in the blood of Jesus. I wanna daily enter in there and enjoy the very God at the throne. He has fulfilled allow the righteous requirements of the law, no need for me to grieve at the cross in outer court. "Thank You, Lord Jesus for the way You have opened for me thru Your vicarious death, thank You I may meet God the Father in the Holiest place."

Piano Hymns