Have you felt the Father’s love

C489 E668 K489
Have you felt the Father’s love?
  Still there’s more to follow;
And His mercy have you proved?
  Still there’s more to follow.
Oh, the love the Father shows,
  Still there’s more to follow;
Freely He His love bestows,
  Still there’s more to follow.
More and more, more and more,
  Always more to follow;
Oh, His matchless, boundless love,
    Still there’s more to follow.
Have you felt the Savior near?
  Still there’s more to follow;
Does His blessed presence cheer?
  Still there’s more to follow.
Oh, the grace that Jesus shows,
  Still there’s more to follow;
Freely He His grace bestows,
  Still there’s more to follow.
Have you felt the Spirit’s power?
  Still there’s more to follow;
Falling like the gentle shower?
  Still there’s more to follow.
Oh, the power the Spirit shows,
  Still there’s more to follow;
Freely He His power bestows,
  Still there’s more to follow.
Joanna Smathers

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

2 Corinthians 13:14 May have been the reason for the change. The last verse in 2 Corinthians, The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

After we have believed there is so much more. Romans chapter five.

Steve Miller

Detroit, Mi, United States

A vast fortune was left in the hands of a minister for one of his poor parishioners. Fearing that it might be squandered, if suddenly bestowed upon him, the wise minister sent him but a little at a time, with a note, saying, This is thine; use it wisely; there is more to follow. Brethren, that’s just the way God deals with us. - D. L. Moody


The original song is a bit different:

1. Have you on the Lord believed?

Still there’s more to follow.

Of His grace have you received?

Still there’s more to follow.

Oh, the grace the Father shows!

Still there’s more to follow.

Freely He His grace bestows,

Still there’s more to follow.


In stanza 2, the original says "love" instead of "grace" in lines 5 & 7.

Piano Hymns