搜索 1481
NS103 Now Christ is the life-giving Spirit 新歌
E1133 O Father of glory, now grant unto me 经典诗歌
E8043 O Father, Thou art boundless love 经典诗歌
NS331 O God of Love 新歌
E927b O God of burning altar fire (Alternate Tune) 经典诗歌
E37 O God! we see Thee in the Lamb 经典诗歌
E12 O God, Thou art the source of life 经典诗歌
E12b O God, Thou art the source of life (Alternate Tune) 经典诗歌
E10 O God, th' eternal Father, Thou 经典诗歌
E10b O God, th' eternal Father, Thou (Alternate Tune) 经典诗歌
E419 O God, unblessing and unblest 经典诗歌
E359 O Light of light, shine in 经典诗歌
E8211 O Lord of life, breathe Thou on me 经典诗歌
E254 O Lord of life, breathe on us now 经典诗歌
E87 O Lord! When we the path retrace 经典诗歌
NS25 O Lord, I love You, I really love You 新歌
E539 O Lord, Thou art in me as life 经典诗歌
E201 O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete 经典诗歌
E61 O Lord, Thou art the Son of man 经典诗歌
E493 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now 经典诗歌
E81 O Lord, Thy being is of old 经典诗歌
E428 O Lord, Thy boundless love to me 经典诗歌
NS951 O Lord, You have been our dwelling place 新歌
E255 O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me 经典诗歌
E269 O Lord, with Thy Holy Ghost 经典诗歌