O God of Love

O God of love, in Your everlasting love,
Yearning earnestly for Your elect,
As for Israel so long ago,
That they'd turn from their idols to gain
Your incarnate Christ as righteousness.
Christ came as man, as Your righteousness to us,
That in Your divine economy
He Your people's everything might be
As our universality and our centrality
Wicked by birth, deceitful corrupt in heart,
Our one hope: redemption from our fall,
Wickedness and sin, but that's not all—
The redemption of Christ and salvation by life
  divine dispensed to us.
Saved by Your life and Your life's capacity,
We're renewed that You could be our God
And that we Your people all could be
That we'd share the enjoyment of all of the riches of
  the Trinity.
Israel will be restored in the coming age;
With Your overcomers they'll enjoy
All Your riches which will consummate
In new earth and new heav'n for eternity in the New

Toronto, ON, Canada

We were wicked by birth, deceitful corrupt in heart, but our one hope is in Christ Jesus who redeemed us from our fall!

Our beloved Jesus we adore Thee!! And can’t wait to meet with Thee.

Sophia Chan

San Francisco, CA, United States

I appreciate this song! Jeremiah can be likened to a walnut. It has a hard shell. What we have to do is to crack the shell of Jeremiah and concentrate on the kernel inside. This kernel includes three matters—what God wants from us, what we are in our fallen condition, and what Christ is to us. Thank the Lord for the ministry that opens the Word to us.


Oklahoma, United States

"Saved by Your life and Your life's capacity."


White Rock, BC, Canada

In this meaningful hymn, and in the book Jeremiah, we see that our God is a tenderhearted God, and yet He is a righteous God. Because He is such a righteous God, He cannot spare those who sin against Him and has to judge them.

We also see God's people Israel, in their stubbornness, being stiff-necked and evil, not knowing repentance or of returning to God, and not being one with Him. We also see Jeremiah, who would often weep and wail, being known as the wailing prophet, being one with God in His tenderheartedness, thus being able to express Him, represent Him, and speak for Him.

We then see ourselves as the nations, wicked by birth, deceitful corrupt in heart, in wickedness and sin. In God's eyes, all the nations are like animals, as though without a human spirit. How much we need Christ as our righteousness so that we can be saved from the wrath and judgment of God! We need to be saved in His life, to turn and be renewed so that He is our God, and come to the full enjoyment of the riches of the divine Trinity. Praise the Lord that Christ came as a man in God's economy, bringing redemption by His shed blood and salvation through the divine life!

Finally, Israel will be restored in the coming age and together with the overcomers, enjoy all the riches to consummate in the new heaven and new earth for eternity in the New Jerusalem! What a hope of glory!

Roman Seytumerov

Saint Petersburg, -Select-, Russia

I wish we could have more songs of this sort to equip ourselves with knowledge and experience of central thoughts of many other books in the Bible.