搜索 1634
E302 I have a song I love to sing 经典诗歌
NT523 I have come to the Fountain of Life 新调
E524 I have found, I have found the way 经典诗歌
NS453 I have set before you life and death 新歌
NS201 I just keep calling, O Lord 新歌
NT711b I know not what awaits me (Alternate) 新调
E454 I lift my heart to Thee 经典诗歌
NS65 I love God because... 新歌
E853 I love Thy kingdom, Lord 经典诗歌
NS82 I once was dead—dead in my sins 新歌
E8128 I prostrate, Lord, before Thee 经典诗歌
E8243 I remember when my burdens rolled away 经典诗歌
E826 I saw great throngs—each was a brother dear 经典诗歌
E575 I take Thy promise, Lord, in all its length 经典诗歌
E8736 I wandered years in sinful shame 经典诗歌
NS70 I will not let Thee go 新歌
I'd Like to be Found Faithful 儿童
NS1047 I'm Your Vessel 新歌
I'm just a little flower 儿童
E6418 I'm just a little flower 经典诗歌
E6838 I'm so full of joy, I want to tell you, friend 经典诗歌
NS117 I'm thankful that God has placed me 新歌
NS98 I'm walking down the road 新歌
E288 I've found a Friend, oh, such a Friend 经典诗歌
E210 I've found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me 经典诗歌