I have a song I love to sing

I have a song I love to sing,
  Since I have been redeemed,
Of my Redeemer, Savior, King—
  Since I have been redeemed.
Since I have been redeemed.
Since I have been redeemed,
I will glory in His name;
Since I have been redeemed,
  I will glory in the Savior's name.
I have a Christ that satisfies,
  Since I have been redeemed,
To do His will my highest prize—
  Since I have been redeemed.
I have a witness bright and clear,
  Since I have been redeemed,
Dispelling every doubt and fear—
  Since I have been redeemed.
I have a joy I can't express,
  Since I have been redeemed,
All through the Lord, my righteousness—
  Since I have been redeemed.
I have a God who is for me,
  Since I have been redeemed,
With whom I'll dwell eternally—
  Since I have been redeemed.

I was lost but when I heard the content in the song I felt empowered and redeemed

Disho Haggai

Borrong, Adamawa, Nigeria

It has been a song that has always blessed and stirred my heart to greater commitment from the early days of my Christian life by its message assurance.


Ilesha, Osun State, Nigeria

What a beautiful hymn! Popped up in my mind this morning, and can't stop singing to remind myself that I've been redeemed. Thank you Lord for you work on me, for all you went through to redeem me. Otherwise, where would I be today Lord? Your name be praised now and forever! 🙏🏽

Lamech Maranga


amazing song

Steve Yogo

Kayogo, Gwassi, South, Suba South, Homa Bay, Kenya

One of my favorite hymns. Must seek for its translation to Ekisuba.


Kano, Nigeria

So assuring & soul lifting

Nhial Gatwech Chuol

Akobo, Jonglei

It's a very nice song. I love it.


Arcadia, CA, United States

Being redeemed feels good.

Yemi Idowu

Lagos, Nigeria

I found myself singing this hymn today around the house. It’s wonderful to be redeemed.

Jason Montecarlos

I've been redeemed!

Piano Hymns