搜索 46
E878 Conquering now and still to conquer 经典诗歌
E267 Fill me with Thy gracious Spirit 经典诗歌
E1055 I am sinful, I am helpless 经典诗歌
E1160 Jesus is our lovely Bridegroom 经典诗歌
E1146 Let us eat Jesus every day 经典诗歌
E382 More about Jesus would I know 经典诗歌
E8296 More of Christ Jesus I would know 经典诗歌
NS333 O how glorious! O how precious! 新歌
E542 O the riches of my Savior 经典诗歌
E1360 Oh, how glorious! Oh, how precious! 经典诗歌
E307 On Calvary's brow my Savior died 经典诗歌
E343 There is sunshine in my soul today 经典诗歌
E173 Thou art fairer than the morning 经典诗歌
E199 Thou art the Rock everlasting 经典诗歌
E848 What a blessing, what a priv'lege 经典诗歌
E1317 When our Lord comes in glory and we're raptured to 经典诗歌
C217 何等荣耀何等福气 经典诗歌
C1146 吃主耶稣作素祭 经典诗歌
C403 哦我主的神圣丰富 经典诗歌
C97 惨哉加略 经典诗歌
C151 我们珍贵你的价值 经典诗歌
C296 更多认识基督 经典诗歌
C262 荣耀之光福乐之光 经典诗歌
C612 祭司职分何等尊荣 经典诗歌
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