More of Christ Jesus I would know

C296 CB382 E8296 K290 P188 S170 T382
More of Christ Jesus I would know,
More of His way pursue below;
More His redemption I'd perceive;
More of His riches I'd receive.
More, more of Christ Jesus,
More, more of Christ Jesus,
More His redemption to employ,
More of His riches to enjoy.
More resurrection pow'r I'd sense,
More boundless life experience;
More of His high authority,
More of His glorious victory.
More of the Spirit's light receive,
More of the Father's will perceive,
More things within the veil I'd see;
More to Christ's death conformed I'd be.
More faith I in His Word would place;
More I'd rely upon His grace,
More His appearing love, desire,
More for His kingship hope, aspire.