搜索 711
E184 Come, let us sing the song of songs 经典诗歌
E684 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish 经典诗歌
E893 Conflict today is fierce 经典诗歌
NS542 Consecrated One 新歌
NS211 Consecration: To Become the Testimony of Jesus 新歌
E707 Count Your Blessings 经典诗歌
E142 Crown Him with many crowns 经典诗歌
E713 Day by day, and with each passing moment 经典诗歌
NS861 Days grew dark, O God 新歌
E62 Dear Lord Jesus, we adore Thee 经典诗歌
E193 Dear Lord, Thou art so much to us 经典诗歌
E188 Dear Lord, Thou art the Son of God 经典诗歌
E198 Dear Lord, Thou art the Tree of Life 经典诗歌
E56 Dear Lord, Thou art the Word of God 经典诗歌
E1090 Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood 经典诗歌
E222 Dear Lord, we thank Thee for this bread 经典诗歌
E222b Dear Lord, we thank Thee for this bread (Alternate Tune) 经典诗歌
E671 Deep down into the depths of this Thy Name 经典诗歌
E695 Does Jesus care when my heart is pained 经典诗歌
NS812 Don't Say, "Oh No!" 新歌
E82 Down from His glory 经典诗歌
E1252 Down in Babylon, in captivity 经典诗歌
E461 Down in the valley with my Savior I would go 经典诗歌
NS867 Draw Me, Lord, with the Bands of Your Love 新歌
E1049 Drawn to the Cross which Thou hast blest 经典诗歌