搜索 711
NT716 Begone, unbelief 新调
E129 Behold the Lamb with glory crowned 经典诗歌
E103 Behold! behold the Lamb of God 经典诗歌
E185 Blessed Lord, our hallelujahs 经典诗歌
E241 Blessing and honor and glory be Thine 经典诗歌
E232 By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored 经典诗歌
NS9 Call on Your Name 新歌
NS124 Calling, O Lord Jesus 新歌
E657 Can you be obedient 经典诗歌
NS651 Christ Gave Himself Up for Me Out of Love 新歌
E8079 Christ Jesus, Lamb once slain by men 经典诗歌
E1029 Christ calling yet! shall I not hear 经典诗歌
NS986 Christ came, the Lamb of God 新歌
E155 Christ delivered me when bound 经典诗歌
LB8 Christ in Colossians 新歌
NS2 Christ in Leviticus 新歌
NS63 Christ is God incarnated 新歌
NS183 Christ is a genuine man 新歌
NS182 Christ is our light, our food, our air 新歌
E118 Christ is risen! Hallelujah 经典诗歌
NS1043 Christ is the off'ring making God happy 新歌
E285 Come and rejoice with me 经典诗歌
NT285 Come and rejoice with me 新调
E1061 Come into my heart, O Lord Jesus 经典诗歌
E183 Come, let us join our cheerful songs 经典诗歌