Pass me not, O gentle Savior
Plead my course oh gentle saviour and do not pass me by, now and ever, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN.Fear not, I am with thee Comfort in Trials
It's an old but still new song. It reassures of God's faithfulness even when darkness looms all around us.One with Thee, Thou Son eternal Union with Christ
What a dear Lord we have, we are just one with Him. He is the Son eternal, the Son incarnate, the Son forsaken, and the Son ascended.…
And can it be that I should gain
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Thank You Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins, You left Your Father's throne above so free, so infinite Your grace, emptied…Stand up! stand up for Jesus Spiritual Warfare
My best song ever. One of the best we sang all the time while in college in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Sing this song now anytime I…I need Thee every hour Longings
I need theeTis so sweet to trust in Jesus Experience of Christ
Trusting in the Jesus with all your heart is most precious & greatest investment any mortal can make, for eternal worth.God wants someone to love Him Experience of Christ
It's not merely enough to know about Him or know Him, God wants someone to love Him!I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Always the cross, forever the cross for me. Draw me nearer LordTo God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
One with Thee, Thou Son eternal
Union with Christ
What a dear Lord we have, we are just one with Him. He is the Son eternal, the Son incarnate, the Son forsaken, and the Son ascended.…Rescue the perishing Preaching of the Gospel
I first sang this song as a trainee in the full-time training in Taipei, Taiwan, 1986–1987. When we were coordinating with the Lord to do ju…One day when heaven was filled with His praises Gospel
This hymn brings to light the need for personal evangelism. Our testimony is that as Jesus has brought us out of the kingdom of darkness to …O Christ, He is the fountain Praise of the Lord
Praise the Lord! Triune God flows into us in the Divine Trinity in three stages: the Father is the fountain, the Son is the spring, and the …I have come to the Fountain of Life Experience of Christ
“ His joy is the strength of my heart. Only you Lord, are the Fountain of Life. Thank you Lord, I can drink of this boundless supply of th…One thing I of the Lord desire Longings
For the second time round, the Lord is using this song to affirm me as His and to bring a revival into my life. What more, it is on the eve …Down in the valley with my Savior I would go Consecration
Couple of days ago, we were in Edinburgh and doing the steep climb up to Arthur's seat, and this song popped into my head. I…Wherever you go, I will go Scriptures for Singing
In Ruth 1:14, Orpah kissed Naomi goodbye, but Ruth “clung to her. ” May we be people who don’t just visit the people of God, but become…I will sing the wondrous story Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Tis very comforting to know that after this hard toil on earth, we will one day live forever with him in glory - where the sun will never…We will sing to the Lord with our spirit Experience of Christ
Now we’re learning to turn to our spirit, Now we’re learning to take Christ as life; Now we’re learning to feed upon J…All to Jesus I surrender Consecration
Great song
Christ the Preeminent
Experience of Christ
Dear FTTA Class of Fall 2019, "In this Christ we are made perfect, complete. In Him we do not lack anything. Do not talk about…I Want to Follow Him Consecration
AménDown in the valley with my Savior I would go Consecration
Couple of days ago, we were in Edinburgh and doing the steep climb up to Arthur's seat, and this song popped into my head. I…There is a place of quiet rest Longings
In this world there are a lot of unrest and turmoil every now and then be thanks be to God God for providing us a solitude place in His…