
Growing Up Together in the Lord The Church
Praise the Lord I get to grow up with the Lord!
Fear not, I am with thee Comfort in Trials
I love this song very much it always reminds me of my younger days we sing it often in Church. It is very inspirational comforting. I love…
What was it, blessed God Worship of the Father
What love to Thee we owe, Our God, for all Thy grace! Our hearts may well o’erflow In everlasting praise! …
Face to face with Christ, my Savior Hope of Glory
While driving down to Church yesterday this song dropped heavily in my soul and I hummed it all through up till this morning. Fortunately…
Day by day, and with each passing moment Comfort in Trials
What a gem! Thank you My church do not sing hymns anymore and my husband and I miss them…
When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed Comfort in Trials
God is wonderful
Unto the Economy Scriptures for Singing
Ephesians is a book on the church. Verses 8 through 11 of chapter 3 say, "To me, less than the least of all saints, was this grace given to …
Christ comes quickly for His Bride Hope of Glory
Gain Your bride, Lord! Gain Your counterpart! Grow in us unto maturity that we may be perfected and matured to be Your Bride. Make us Your…
Now Christ is the life-giving Spirit Experience of Christ
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
While I prayed and studied this morning, this song wailed up in my spirit as a confirmation of God's instruction to fix my heart and soul…
O now I see the cleansing wave Gospel
A common belief is that Jesus died to take our punishment. But John 1:29 says that He takes away the sins of the world, a truth poetically…
Hallelujah! Christ is Victor Spiritual Warfare
Christ is victorious.