There is a fountain filled with blood
This is such a touching song. To God be the glory, great things He has doneI'm pressing on the upward way Longings
May the Lord put me on higher ground 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I can’t help but say Hallelujah for the Lord is faithful indeed. Reading your comments gives me me hope to…Oh, spread the tidings 'round, wherever man is found Fulness of the Spirit
Through this hymn, 2025 is our year of walking and working with the comforter in Jesus name. Amen!Search me, O God, my actions try Longings
This hymn has so much inspired me that I used the lines in my prayers everyday. I am concerned about the darkened cells and the…To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
Lord, Thou didst know when in the flesh
Experience of Christ
This song is a blessing to me!Let me stand behind You, Lord Experience of Christ
I love You! Jesus I love You!The Church's one foundation The Church
Thank you. I hadn't the lyrics but the holy tune filled my heart this morning. I hummed and found it via Google. To the glory of …To You, dear Lord Consecration
Singing this for our YP meeting, what a lovely hymn!I will sing of my Redeemer Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I could not remember the words to this hymn from my childhood. Thank you for the lyrics. Thank you Jesus Messiah for redeeming me!The Maker of the universe Praise of the Lord
The spear which spilled His precious blood Was tempered in the fires of God. The grave in which His form was laid, …His banner over me is love Experience of Christ
Lord, your name is so sweet to us! Your resurrection is so sweet! Lord, you are so sweet!Thou art all my life, Lord The Church
You are all my life Lord. This is a statement of faith. Gradually over time the Lord gains our life and we gain Him. We must cease from all …All that we were—our sin, our guilt Worship of the Father
The music for this hymn was written by Isaac Smith. He was born in 1734, London, England and died December 14, 1805, Walworth, Newington,…Thy sorrows, Savior, we retrace Praise of the Lord
Deep shame and woe, rude blow on blow endured for us! Lord Immanuel we praise You and thank You. May Your kingdom…Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me Experience of Christ
Just a powerful song this is! As a devout Catholic -- except that some cracks had happened in recent years -- the song is not new; I have…O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Beautiful song that expresses all our heart’s desires.
O Jesus Lord, when present at Thy table
Praise of the Lord
Thank you dear father for being available for us, we love you Aba FatherThrough the bread and cup, Lord Jesus Praise of the Lord
Thine the cup of suff’ring, Mine the cup of blessing; For Thy love in Thy redemption, Praise we ever si…In the bosom of the Father Praise of the Lord
"All the fulness of the Father In the Spirit to proclaim!"Father, Thy Son beloved leads our praise Worship of the Father
Thank you father that we can worship you for everything you did for us!O what a miracle, my Lord Praise of the Lord
We long to eat and drink even more. AMENHow Can I Say How Much I Love You? Experience of Christ
I love You, Lord, with the love You've given me. Thank You, Lord, for planting Your love deep within me.Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
What a great assurance 🙏✨ Forever Grateful Lord🙇