Ere the ages had begun,
Thou wast in the Father's glory,
God's unique begotten Son.
When to us the Father gave Thee,
Thou in person wast the same,
All the fulness of the Father
In the Spirit to proclaim.
Thou wast made God's firstborn Son;
By Thy life to us imparting,
Was Thy duplication done.
We, in Thee regenerated,
Many sons to God became;
Truly as Thy many brethren,
We are as Thyself the same.
Falling to the earth to die,
That thru death and resurrection
Thou in life may multiply.
We were brought forth in Thy nature
And the many grains became;
As one loaf we all are blended,
All Thy fulness to proclaim.
Thy dear Body and Thy Bride,
Thine expression and Thy fulness,
For Thee ever to abide.
We are Thy continuation,
Thy life-increase and Thy spread,
Thy full growth and Thy rich surplus,
One with Thee, our glorious Head.
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Aurora, Colorado, United States
"All the fulness of the Father
In the Spirit to proclaim!"
Ohio, United States
Delhi, India
Praise the Lord, We are Truly Thy many brethren,
We are as Thyself the same.
Tampa, FL, United States
Praise you Lord!
Thank you for everything.
Irvine, CA, United States
Praise the Lord! Enjoy your fullness, Farther
New York, United States
Praise the Lord saints. I love this hymn.
Amen we are Lord’s increase, we are proud of calling Him our Father.
McKinney, TX, United States
We’re Thy total reproduction,
Thy dear Body and Thy Bride,
Thine expression and Thy fulness,
For Thee ever to abide.
Delhi, India
I am truly overjoyed by this song. I used to be hindi but God’s marvelous word changed my life.
I gained a new epiphany in the Lord after hearing this melodic tune. God bless all who is enlightened by his word.
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Verse 5 (1996 Thanksgiving Conference)
Lord, Thy human shell was broken,
Life and glory Thou released,
With Thy chosen be increased.
We with Thee uncorporated,
Thou in us and we in Thee,
Here we eat the hidden manna,
New Jerusalem to be.