Praise the Lord! The God of glory

LSM271 NS225
Praise the Lord! The God of glory
Who appeared to Abraham
Has appeared to us in spirit
For His purpose and His plan!
God of glory, God of glory,
Do appear to us today,
Saturate and permeate us
Till You fully have Your way.
Once we were in old Chaldea,
Worshipping the idols there;
But the God of glory called us,
Saved us all from Satan's snare.
Get out, get out, from Chaldea,
From that evil foreign land.
Come in, come in, to the good land,
Christ, the church, the one new man.
With the calling comes the promise
Of the kingdom life on earth.
This becomes our strength and motive
To get out of all the dearth!
Lord, we're crossing every river—
For this You must call us on,
Till Your kingdom and expression
On this earth are fully come.
This is now the highest gospel
To those still in Chaldee's land—
Leave the fallen situation,
You've been chosen for God's plan.
God of glory, God of glory,
Do appear to us each day,
Call us out into Your building,
Your desire on earth today.
Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Through the gospel of the glory of Christ, we believers in Christ have been called by God into His eternal glory. Praise the Lord 😀

God of glory, God of glory,

Do appear to us each day,

Call us out into Your building,

Your desire on earth today.

Richard Rivas

California, United States

Praise Him for His grace and mercy. God of Glory, thank you for appearing to us when we need it you the most…I always had love this hymn since I got save through the preaching of the gospel in the college campus….. 1992

Catherine Barrera

Laredo, Texas, United States

I am so glad and grateful to God through our Lord Jesus Christ who has called us out of everything that isn't Christ and has put us in the church for His building.

Hna. Gabriela Menez López

Cdmx, Mexico

Praise the Lord! The God of glory

Col 3:10 And have put on the new man, which is being renewed unto full knowledge according to the image of Him who created Him.

Pey-Jing Li Mehrinfar

San Marcos, TX, United States

Praise the Lord! The God of glory

Who appeared to Abraham

Has appeared to us in spirit

For His purpose and His plan!

God of glory, God of glory,

Do appear to us today,

Saturate and permeate us

Till You fully have Your way

With the calling comes the promise

Of the kingdom life on earth.

This becomes our strength and motive

To get out of all the dearth!

Lord, we’re crossing every river—

For this You must call us on,

Till Your kingdom and expression

On this earth are fully come.

Such a rich hymn to muster us to heed God’s calling. Appear to us today and every day.


Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

1 Pet. 5:10a But the God of all grace, He who has called you into His eternal glory in Christ Jesus

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

Lord do appear to me each day. Call us all into your glorious building. Strengthen and motivate us to cross every river!


Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Praise You Lord, for Your eternal plan!

Peter Maseko

Welkom, Free State, South Africa

Praise the Lord. He has saved us!

Once we were in old Chaldea.

Worshipping the idols there;

But the God of Glory called us,

Saved us all from Satan's snare.

Get out, get out, from Chaldea.

From that evil foreign land.

Come in, come in, to the good land.

Christ, the church, the one new man.


Perry Su

Piscataway, NJ, United States
