Myst'ry hid from ages now revealed to me,
'Tis the Christ of God's reality.
He embodies God, and He is life to me,
And the glory of my hope He'll be.
Glory, glory, Christ is life in me!
Glory, glory, what a hope is He!
Now within my spirit He's the mystery!
Then the glory He will be to me.
In my spirit He regenerated me,
In my soul He's now transforming me.
He will change my body like unto His own,
Wholly making me the same as He.
Glory, glory, Christ is life in me!
Glory, glory, what a hope is He!
Now within my spirit He's the mystery!
Then the glory He will be to me.
Now in life and nature He is one with me
Then in Him, the glory, I will be;
I'll enjoy His presence for eternity
With Him in complete conformity.
Glory, glory, Christ is life in me!
Glory, glory, what a hope is He!
Now within my spirit He's the mystery!
Then the glory He will be to me.
Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.
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Mansfield, Ohio, United States
I have sung this hymn from my youth. I don’t think I ever realized how profound this mystery is. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. So Christ was God from eternity past. He was the Fathers very heart, but He was still a mystery. Then in time, about 2000 years ago that mystery became manifested as that man Jesus. Now the Father can reveal this Son to us through the gospel when we believe. Oh how wonderful to know this marvelous mystery. Now He is in our spirit to be experienced by us. Glory, glory, Christ is Life to me. Glory, glory what a hope we! He is living in us and He is one with us. He should never be a mystery to us because we can chose to touch Him in our spirit.
Irvine, CA, United States
Glory, glory, Christ is life in me!
Columbus, Ohio, United States
In our living Christ is a mystery to all other men, but to us He is no mystery--He is reality!
Seattle, Washington, United States
In my spirit He regenerated me,
In my soul He’s now transforming me.
Praise the Lord that he is in our spirits, regenerating us, transforming us! Amen!
Arlington, TX, United States
We have been regenerated,
We are being transformed,
And we will be glorified!
Lucena, Philippines
" if we let the Lord live in us and we live by the Lord,
then when people observe us,
they will see the glory of God upon us"
Glory is given by the Lord,
but the degree of glory must be established by us.
Aliso Viejo, CA, United States
Mystery hid from ages now revealed to me.
'Tis the Christ of God's reality.
Эта музыка такая хорошая! Слава Богу!
Glory, hallelujah!!
Seattle, WA, United States
Thank You Lord, for revealing such a reality to us, Christ is the mystery of God!