He understands you thoroughly

He understands you thoroughly;
There's nothing He does not know.
All your problems and weaknesses
Don't say it isn't so!
He's your Helper, sympathizing.
He's the Spirit. Don't neglect Him.
He's praying for you
And sustaining you.
He gives support and comforts you,
Interceding night and day.
And when you're weak He groans for you
With words you cannot say.
He's the Spirit, interceding.
He's the Spirit. Don't neglect this
Wonderful One,
Who is praying for you.
So many times we are so weak,
But Someone deep within
Supplies the very help we need,
And we're upheld by Him.
He says, "Don't be disappointed."
He knows all your fears and failures;
He's praying for you
As no one else can do.
chris kenny

Devon, United Kingdom

Thank the Lord there is Someone who understands me!


Kuala Lumpur

This song really helps. Praise the Lord for being such a One. (:

Nazik Davtian

Brussel, Belgium

Oh, Lord Jesus, how we are seeking and weak, and how You are full of mercy and grace. You know all our failures, our weaknesses and You say to us "Don't be disappointed, I am praying for you. Thank You. Lord Jesus, we love You!


Jakarta, West Jakarta, Indonesia

Praise The LORD..

He says, "Don't be disappointed."

He knows all our fears and failures, He's praying for us.

As no one else can do..

Thank YOU LORD^^


IL, United States

"Moreover, in like manner the Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." Romans 8:26

Thank You, Lord for interceding for us!