What things were gains to me

D6031 NS138
Audio Player
What things were gains to me,
These I now count as loss.
Jesus has set me free
From what I was!
All of the things I had;
Everything, good or bad,
I count as refuse
That I may gain Christ!
I won't give up!
I will keep running until
I have attained
The goal of my calling!
I must press on!
I must pursue until
I lay hold of Him
Who laid hold of me!
Forget the things behind!
Stretch for the things before!
Press onward with this mind:
Always want more!
Seeking in Him to grow,
Increasingly to know
Him that I daily might
Be found in Christ.
Emman Ramos

San Francisco, California, United States




Maurice Ward

Irving, Texas, United States

stand firm in one spirit, with 1done soul striving together along with 3the faith of the gospel,

1:28 And in nothing being frightened by the opposers, which is to them a a proof of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God;

1:29 Because to you it has been graciously granted on behalf of Christ not only to believe into Him but also to suffer on His behalf,

1:30 Having the same struggle which you saw in 1me and now hear to be in me.

Praise the Lord we are in the position to strive with the faith. Struggling and suffering the loss of all things to gain Christ. And to have Christ as our life. What a joy this! We won't give up!

Alhambra Sisters

Alhambra, California, United States

Amen! Philipians 3:13-14 says "Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward."

Let us let go of all the the things which are before so we can pursue the Lord's goal whole-heartedly!


Hong Kong

I liked the hymn very much!!! 🤓🤓❤




I won't give up

Matthew Zhang

California, United States

I WON’T Give up!

Anthony Bryan Sy

Madison, Wisconsin, United States

The brothers house sang this song in our home meeting, and it was glorious. We all were found in Christ!!

Jared Huang

Austin, TX, United States

What things were gains to me,

These I now count as loss!