Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength

B291 C379 CB500 E500 G500 K379 LSM135 P239 R351 S214 T500
Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength!
God wrought to raise Christ from the dead.
Far above all at His right hand,
O'er all to us He is the Head.
All this great pow'r is to the Church
That she o'er all her foes may tread.
Oh, what a fact! Oh, what a bliss!
That I of Christ a member am.
With all the saints I blend as one
And share the life of the new man.
Joined to our great ascended Head,
We'll be the Church of His own plan.
Oh, what a breadth! Oh, what a length!
The height, the depth unsearchable!
Christ the Lord is unlimited,
So vast, immense, immeas'rable.
All that He is and all He has
Is now our life unspeakable.
(Repeat the last two lines of each stanza)

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Nertil Semani

Wethersfield, CT, United States

Amen. Lavdi Perendise ne jete te jeteve.

Andrea Villanueva

United States

With ALL the Saints we can know and apprehend ALL the vast dimensions of God!

Vali Balla


Oh, what a breadth! Oh, what a length!

The height, the depth unsearchable!

Christ the Lord is unlimited,

So vast, immense, immeas’rable.

All that He is and all He has

Is now our life unspeakable.

Piano Hymns