Life's too short
To waste a single day
The kingdom's life
Is closer everyday.
To waste a single day
The kingdom's life
Is closer everyday.
In the midst of time,
The kingdom's mine
Just by calling on His name each day.
The kingdom's mine
Just by calling on His name each day.
The sweetest taste
Of life is deep within.
Its flowing out
Is primed by calling Him.
Of life is deep within.
Its flowing out
Is primed by calling Him.
In the midst of time,
The kingdom's mine
Just by calling on His name each day.
The kingdom's mine
Just by calling on His name each day.
Time is quickly
Running out each day.
The Lord will come
And swiftly end this age.
Running out each day.
The Lord will come
And swiftly end this age.
At the end of time,
The goal we'll see
The millennium is our entry.
The goal we'll see
The millennium is our entry.
At the end of time,
The goal we'll see
The New Jerusalem we'll be.
The goal we'll see
The New Jerusalem we'll be.
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Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
The Kingdom's mine just by calling on His name each day! Oh Lord Jesus!!!
Houston, Texas, United States
Lord give us a hungry heart ...to seek YOU. Lord operate in us!
Irvine, CA, United States
In the midst of time, the kingdom’s mine just by calling on His name each day.
Baguio City, Benguet, Philippines
Life really is too short. Oh saints! We need to redeem our time because the days are evil. Love the Lord now, serve the Lord now! COME LORD JESUS!
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Lord I submit myself to You. I consecrate my whole being to You. Lord, I need You. I'm running the race in You, Lord. The New Jerusalem is my goal.
Amen! Praise Jehovah!
Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
Lord, I give You my little tiny life, that I'll be fully constituted with the truth. Saints, our life really too short! We now need to consecrate, offer up ourselves to Him as living sacrifice to Him, to serve Him to the end of our lives. We must be ready for His move and for the building up of His Body, that the golden lampstands on earth may shine brightly everywhere. I love You, Lord!
Ozamiz City, Missamis Occedintal, Philippines
"Saints our life is so short. That is why "we need to live as if the Lord will come today but plan as if the Lord will not come in a hundred years."
This is a serious matter. Let him who is righteous do righteous still. If we want to serve the Lord, let's serve Him. "No one who puts His hand on the plow and looks behind is fit for the kingdom of God...it's a warning to us all. AMEN.
Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines
Truly life is too short. as we are still young, and still standing strong, we need to stand for God's testimony. let's not waste are time for wordly pleasure which all are vanity. Consecrate ourselves to Him... Amen
Saudi Arabia
life is too short to waste for worldly things or living in flesh...its time to sumbit oneself to the kingdom of the lord praising his words...Amen!
Albuquerque, NM, U.S.A.
Amen! O Lord we don't want to waste a single day! We want every day to be a day of growth. Praise You Lord! We have all the time to grow but none to waste. Lord Jesus grow in us!!