Divine romance

Cs328 LB82 LSM173
How could a country girl like me
Become Your match — Your bride to be?
You're holy and You are divine
But I'm fallen and human.

Without You, Lord, I have no chance
To be like You in this romance.
But You chose me ere the world began
Nothing could change Your plan.
This divine romance
Is My heart's deep plan.
I became a lowly man
To court My country girl.
Nothing could deter,
Nothing can alter
My eternal love for her;
I'll gain My country girl.
No man or angel ever knew
This secret hidden deep in You
That You desired to be one with man
Before the world began.

Though sin came in to ruin me
Through Satan's scheme and subtlety
Nothing could break Your love for me
To gain me totally.
This divine romance
Is My heart's deep plan,
I became a lowly man
To court My country girl.
Nothing could deter,
Nothing can alter
My eternal love for her;
I'll gain My country girl.
As King of kings You became a man,
You died for me—I've been redeemed,
In resurrection made us queen
To marry You, my King.

From death You 'rose and entered me,
I now possess Your divinity;
In life and nature we're the same:
Both human and divine.
In Your love I'm drawn,
To You I belong;
I am not my own, Lord,
I'm Yours alone.
By Your love I'm drawn,
In Your name I'm charmed,
And Your Person captured me,
For I've been kissed by Thee.
Lord, in this close sweet fellowship,
Lord, be with me so intimate,
So personal and affectionate;
A sweet relationship.

Lord, daily change my inward being
Lord, all my heart possessing
In all my being—transforming
To be Your bride and queen.
In Your love I'm drawn,
To You I belong;
I am not my own, Lord,
I'm Yours alone.
By Your love I'm drawn,
In Your name I'm charmed,
And Your Person captured me,
For I've been kissed by Thee.
Kenny Sunaryo

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Thank you Lord for such a divine romance... even though we are fallen and human ... You still choose us....O Lord we love You Lord....

Mark John

Quezon City, Philippines

thank you lord for such a romance.



I like very much this song because God chose us before the foundation of the world began..Though we are fallen sinners He Himself redeemed us...Oh what a grace that He redeemed us...we, fallen sinners. Saved us..The time we are fallen He did not create another man to satisfy Himself, rather, He saved us and redeemed us and He reconciled us to the Father....Praise the Lord we are His SHULAMITE.....AMEN


Thank You for this romance. LORD JESUS we love You.


Cebu City, Philippines

I like this song very much...it always strengthens me...Amen....

Phil Freeland

Kansas City, KS, U.S.A.

This is truly a Divine Romance! Thank You Lord, You have done everything!


Brooklyn Park, MN, U.S.A.

This song is so touching. Oh the Lord came to court a country girl like me! In the Lord's eyes we are all females, and He came to court us! Oh Lord gain us, gain us all totally! This is Your heart's deep plan! Gain us all that we may be in Your presense eternally! O Lord I want You! Gain Your Bride Lord! Give us a heart that just loves You! Only You!

Sis. Abigail Lagus

Brunei Darussalam

This very morning I feel the Lord's presence with this song. It really touches me and encourage me to more of Him. Though I'm so sinful but still He is always been there for me, loving me to the extent. "Lord, recover my First Love to you that every day I can feel You, every moment I can touch You and You can touch every fiber of my being". "LORD,JESUS I LOVE YOU". There's no one other like You.

Ryrey Espra

Anaheim, CA, U.S.A.

I thank God very much 4 givng His luv. Sometimes when I fall in sin and I am back to the Lord, I feel that God fully loves me. We must all pursue Christ..

Filip S. Syrek

Reading, United Kingdom

Tonight" country="I have been typing an email where I was explaining to a young, seeking brother things and matters related to God's heart desire... I decided to quote this song in its entirety at the end of a lenghty presentation... When I started to type simultaneously listening to the tune something started to grow and expand within me and finally I just couldn't help but burst into tears of repentance and love to the Lord. I can say nothing but "Lord, I love you, I just love you so much..." This song has been giving me many moments like these in the past.

This song touches not only my heart, but I believe strongly, it touches God's heart as well... This song is a universal love story confined within few simple verses yet having the weight of the entire universe, conveying the content of God's eternal economy and the fulfillment of His, our dear Lord's heart desire... In these days when nothing seems certain, nothing seems to be sure - I have a strong and wonderful promise that nothing can change His love for me, to gain me, oh to gain me totally!!! Lord Jesus, come and claim Your Bride!