Christ to minister is service
Both to God and others too,
Christ, the surplus, e'er supplying,
Off'ring Him as service true.
Christ to minister is service
Both to God and others too,
Christ, the surplus, e'er supplying,
Off'ring Him as service true.
As the Israelites did offer
From the surplus of their land,
Thus some produce reaped of Jesus
Must be in our serving hand.
Christ to minister is service
Both to God and others too,
Christ, the surplus, e'er supplying,
Off'ring Him as service true.
We on Christ, as land, must labor,
Harvest Him for all our fare;
Tasting Him to overflowing,
Christ with others we may share.
Christ to minister is service
Both to God and others too,
Christ, the surplus, e'er supplying,
Off'ring Him as service true.
Holding Christ, as members growing,
Each his function must observe;
Christ receiving, Christ partaking,
To His Body Christ we serve.
Christ to minister is service
Both to God and others too,
Christ, the surplus, e'er supplying,
Off'ring Him as service true.
Fellowship and testimony,
Ministry and worship too,
In all helps and ministrations
Christ is all our service true.
Christ to minister is service
Both to God and others too,
Christ, the surplus, e'er supplying,
Off'ring Him as service true.
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Fremont, California, United States
Lord Jesus, we want to use the spiritual gift You gave us to build up the church today! We come to You to enjoy You and obtain spiritual nourishment from you. May we cooperate with You to speak Christ to all kinds of people daily in season and out of season! Make us faithful and prudent slaves of God! Lord Jesus we love you ❤️
Irving, TX, United States
Christ is so enjoyable as we read his Word, fellowship with Him in prayer and sing in praise to Him. In our daily life as we continue to experience Him or in the meetings we should flow out our enjoyment of our precious Lord Jesus with all those around us. See similar hymns 1168- Laboring on Jesus, and 864- Let us experience Christ.
Wellington, New Zealand
In this hymn we are encouraged to minister Christ, supply Christ, offer Christ, labour on Christ, share Christ, hold Christ, serve Christ, harvest Christ, taste Christ, receive and partake of Christ. Christ is everything to us. Hallelujah, Christ is all in all!