Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before.
Satan's host doth flee;
On then, Christian soldiers,
On to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver
At the shout of praise:
Brothers, lift your voices,
Loud your anthems raise!
Moves the Church of God:
Brothers, we are treading
Where the saints have trod;
We are not divided,
All one Body we—
One in faith and Spirit,
One eternally.
Kingdoms rise and wane;
But the Church of Jesus
Constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never
'Gainst the Church prevail;
We have Christ's own promise,
Which can never fail.
Join our happy throng;
Blend with ours your voices
In the triumph song.
Glory, laud and honor
Unto Christ, the King;
This through countless ages
Men and angels sing.
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Mpongwe, Copperbelt, Zambia
I love this song, especially if I am playing the violin or piano
San Marcos, TX, United States
Brothers we are treading, Where the Saints have Trod; We are not divided, All One Body We!
Hallelujah Saints, this time is so precious to press On to Our Mighty King!
Katy, TX, United States
This song is precious! At the shout of praise. We are free to be praiser. My being started to sing this song today. Praise the Lord. So much happens when we join to the Lord and shout praises to Him.
Lagos, Nigeria
My best Hymn
We will keep fighting the war
Till our Lord Jesus Christ Return
Lagos, Nigeria
This song is so soothing at a time like this when war has been declared on the Church with kidnappings and ransom. It’s comforting to know that Christians in the 18th century also felt like they were in a war.
Dakar, Senegal
We used to sing this song in Grade 10 and I woke up this morning thinking about this song. When you look at the times, we are truly Marching to War because of persecution. People do not want to hear the name of the Lord Jesus. To me this is proof that the name of the Lord Jesus is power. May the Lord Jesus bless you all abundantly.
Monroe, New Jersey, United States
Thank God
All Mankind.
For the Songs of Praise
They Forever FLOOD Our Souls
And Forever RING TRUE!
Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
Woke up with this wonderful hymn playing in my mind
United States
May we unite as one,
May truth prevail,
May the great awakening begin.
Greater Accra, Accra, Ghana
One of my favorite motivational hymn ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Forward into battle 💪🏽🛡⚔️