The faith which once for all was giv'n

Cs452 E1285
Audio Player
The faith which once for all was giv'n
Unto the saints of old,
Has been committed unto us
To guard, defend, and hold.
And we know whom we have believed
And are persuaded that He is able
To guard, through the Holy Spirit,
  Our deposit to that day.
This good deposit is the mark
Of God's economy,
Without it we will miss the aim
Of His recovery.
The myst'ry of the common faith,
A conscience pure requires;
A holy, separated life
For us the Lord desires.
This outline of the healthy words,
In faith and love we'll hold;
All different teaching, fruitless talk,
Reject with spirit bold.
Oh, healthful teaching, wholesome words:
The truth of godliness!
Oh, good deposit, common faith,
And life of holiness!
Lord, make us now those faithful men
Who pass on what we've heard;
Make us examples of the saints
In spirit, faith, and word.
Joseph R. Terrell

Rock Valley, IA, United States

This is not and "original/new" controversy. It is true that Whittle's song used the verse from Timothy as a chorus, and it is a good hymn. This hymn is not a replacement for Whittle's nor is it more or less Scriptural (in the sense of being according to the Scriptures). It is simply taking inspiration from an old hymn then going a different direction with it. One can gain benefit from both without having to make judgments.



I appreciate this hymn very much because it emphasizes God's New Testament economy which is the reality of the contents of the apostle's teaching. According to Acts 2:42 the newly baptized believers continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles. This song, which is based on Paul's two letters to Timothy, speak of guarding the good deposit, God's economy, conscience, healthy words, healthy teachings, Godliness, being examples to the saints etc ... All these points referenced in this song are important items of truth which we believers should be aware of and enjoy. Thank you Lord!

Steve Miller

Detroit, Michigan, United States

This song does not replace Whittle's classic "I know whom I have believed". That song is #333 on this site. This is a different song based off of that song. This song is nowhere near as inspiring or enjoyable as Whittle's, but it is a different song. No big deal.

Esther Tan

Manila, Philippines

The original is always better.

There was no need to reword.

It didn’t sound appropriate.


CA, United States

It was rewritten to match the word more than Daniel Whittle's experience. The hymn is based on 2 Tim. 1:12 regarding guarding the good deposit.


I agree with the previous comment completely!


United States

I do like this site overall, but at times, songs like this confuse me. Here is the original:

I would like to know the background of this rewording.

Piano Hymns