We can promptly conquer the enemy

We can promptly conquer the enemy,
Conquer the enemy,
Conquer the enemy,
We can promptly conquer the enemy,
If we use the blood.

If we use the blood,
If we use the blood,
We can promptly conquer the enemy,
If we use the blood.
Overcomers know how to use the blood,
Know how to use the blood,
Know how to use the blood,
Overcomers know how to use the blood—
Giants they are not.

Giants they are not,
Giants they are not,
Overcomers know how to use the blood—
Giants they are not.
Normal Christians: that's all we want to be,
That's all we want to be,
That's all we want to be,
Normal Christians: that's all we want to be,
Knowing how to use the blood.

Knowing how to use the blood,
Knowing how to use the blood,
Normal Christians: that's all we want to be,
Knowing how to use the blood.
By the blood we maintain the fellowship,
Maintain the fellowship,
Maintain the fellowship,
By the blood we maintain the fellowship,
Trusting not in time.

Trusting not in time,
Trusting not in time,
By the blood we maintain the fellowship,
Trusting not in time.
Jack Petrash

Irving, TX

Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death.

Employing the blood of lamb, speaking forth Christ, and not loving the world are all aspects of the normal Christian life.

Jack Petrash Irving Tx United States