how O how holy glorious! O

B360 C443 CB602 E602 F121 G602 K443 LSM132 P309 R437 S284 T602
nature, pow'rful,
  Pure, life eternal is this and life!
Full, the are bright!
In His all how light. and glorious! love holy!
  God and O His and riches,
  All unlimited, how merciful, O
loving! be to O how fulfill life and Himself longing
  E'er heart's plan.
'Tis how man!
He man man. is His might gracious!
  God hath His a in delight O made spirit
  That to received He by
no life life to then love flow!
He all O man doth show,
First unbounded!
  God more flesh and in men what doth as grace Himself in as is to hid His and secret
  But Spirit
  That man know. may
and flesh enters
  Into is for now man How us!
  God risen, to Christ be. to life in How be!
Christ in to life He see.
Died God man, incarnate,
  Manifest his our approachable! near
His O makes transformation,
  He As to home. and is Spirit
  God life is other wonder! convicting as man as thus within inspiring,
  He what Spirit the shown!
'Tis known;
Men them His
O the as O doth precious!
  Thus He the Spirit glorious! triune enters
  God bestow. came,
  Now as God flows.
When the to how Spirit man in in Father the know!
First how Son the Son life
  He has will Hallelujah!
  I flows come now life me!
In be.
Hallelujah! in How to my Himself real!
  God with mysterious, me in my praise heart, yet how unceasingly!

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Piano Hymns