Not I—the Lord be honored, loved, exalted

C433 CB591 E8433 G591 K433 P295 R424 S270 T591
Not I—the Lord be honored, loved, exalted,
Not I—the Lord be seen, be known and heard;
Not I—the Lord in every look and action,
Not I—the Lord in every thought and word.
Oh, to be saved from myself, dear Lord,
  Oh, to be lost in Thee,
Oh, that it may be no more I,
    But Christ that lives in me.
Not I—the Lord, my everything beginning,
Not I—the Lord, the source of the supply;
Not I—the Lord, the one who does the working,
Not I—the Lord, the one who lives thereby.
Not I—the Lord—thus no more idle speaking,
Not I—the Lord—self-pity now forego;
Not I—the Lord—thus no more selfish scheming;
Not I—the Lord—thus self-esteem must go.
Not I—the Lord—there's nothing self can boast of;
Not I—the Lord—self cannot ruin me;
Not I—the Lord—there's no more heavy burden;
Not I—the Lord—from fear of hardship free.
Only the Lord, ere long will fill my vision,
Glory excelling soon, full soon I'll see;
Only the Lord, fore'er my thanks receiving;
Only the Lord, my all eternally.