Begone, unbelief

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Begone, unbelief,
  My Savior is near,
And for my relief
  Will surely appear;
By prayer let me wrestle,
  And He will perform;
With Christ in the vessel,
  I smile at the storm.
Though dark be my way,
  Since He is my Guide,
'Tis mine to obey,
  'Tis His to provide;
Though cisterns be broken,
  And creatures all fail,
The word He hath spoken
  Shall surely prevail.
His love, in time past,
  Forbids me to think
He'll leave me at last
  In trouble to sink:
Each sweet Ebenezer
  I have in review
Confirms His good pleasure
  To help me quite through.
Why should I complain
  Of want or distress,
Temptation or pain?
  He told me no less;
The heirs of salvation,
  I know from His Word,
Through much tribulation
  Must follow their Lord.
How bitter that cup
  No heart can conceive,
Which He drank quite up,
  That sinners might live!
His way was much rougher
  And darker than mine;
Did Christ, my Lord, suffer,
  And shall I repine?
Since all that I meet
  Shall work for my good,
The bitter is sweet,
  The medicine, food;
Though painful at present,
  'Twill cease before long,
And then, oh, how pleasant
  The conqueror's song!
Aaron Paul

Narayi Bayan Duste, Kaduna, Nigeria

I am going through a battle at this moment and there is this elements of unbelief in me but then the verses keep addressing me

Pastor D

Lagos, Nigeria

The devil is always testing the limits of our faith but when he makes doubt rears its ugly head, the ever comforting word of God sends it to hell. Thank you Jesus, unbelief will forever begone. Hallelujah.

Rev. Fr. Grant Essuman

Cape Coast, Central, Ghana

This hymn has been my sensational inspiration and motivation in my ministry. I sing it over and over, because I had suffered a lot of set backs and backbiting from people we trusted but Jesus healed me from all the snares of the enemies and kept us moving. Please trust in God and doubt your own doubt for what God cannot do doesn't exist among humanity. Shalom!!


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I love the note of confidence and certainty running through this hymn, for example, ‘He will perform’, ‘the word He has spoken shall surely prevail’, ‘confirms His good pleasure to help me quite through’ etc.

Lois Van Meter

Odessa, Texas, United States

I love this song


What a beautiful song!

Ayinde Akinsola

Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria

I was in a mess on an office assignment and I lost my sleep & peace for like two weeks.

I was mandated to buy a Toyota Highlander Jeep for my MD from USA and handle the clearing. The Jeep got to Lagos but the Clearing Agent couldn't find it at Tincan to move out. At much efforts & Prayer, it seems I'm in the water in the office. We later found out the Jeep was transfered to a Bonded warehouse at a request by an unknown person.

By the Third week, I had a dream of seeing Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya (MFM - G. O) & he sang the song twice then I sang the third time till I opened my eyes in the mid night - Note, I don't know the wordens of the first stanza in real life but I woke up singing it perfectly. I continue singing it everywhere I moved that day

At exactly 1:00pm I received a call from the Agent that I should come & collect the Jeep.

I have make it my song any moment I remember now.

Praise God.


United States

Praise the Lord!

All that we meet shall work for our good!

The bitter is sweet, The medicine, food;

Though painful at present,

’Twill cease before long,

And then, oh, how pleasant

The conqueror’s song


Ezekiel Ussoro

Lagos, Victoria Island, Nigeria

A song for the downtrodden... each sweet Ebenezer I have in review... Thanks so much Lord Jesus always encouraging me when I doubt possibility of recovery


Joensuu, Finland

#BegoneUnbelief ..... 'tis mine to obey... 'tis His to provide! nothing more to say