Take the name of Jesus with you

B387 C498 E670 K498 P330
Take the name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe;
It will joy and comfort give you,
Take it then where'er you go.
Precious name! Oh, how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heav'n;
Precious name! Oh, how sweet!
  Hope of earth and joy of heav'n.
Take the name of Jesus ever,
As a shield from every snare.
If temptations 'round you gather,
Breathe that holy name in prayer.
Oh, the precious name of Jesus,
How it thrills our souls with joy;
All the favor of the Father
In this name we may enjoy.
At the name of Jesus bowing,
Falling prostrate at His feet,
Claim His vict'ry over evil
And the enemy defeat.

Osogbo, Osun, Nigeria

This song just pop into my mind while having a personal prayer time after after family devotion on the topic "Go With The Ark" and in order to get the lyrics I came in contact with this. It's so inspiring! Thank Jesus.

Godiya Samuel Dergin

Jos, Plateau, Nigeria

Woke up around 2am and just wondering about the insecurities in my country and just wondering what prayer I can do, and immediately the name Jesus came to my mind, and I remembered how just at the mention of the name I was saved from dieing several years ago, and I started singing the hymn and had to look for the lyrics and I got here. The name Jesus is so powerful.


This is one of the popular hymns from S. S., I love during our days in school on the assembly ground


Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia

Jesus Loves Me

Janie Robinson

Orange, New Jersey, United States

Beautiful ! Thank-you !

Phyllis Perkins

Buffalo, KY, United States

God speaks to us through His Word, and also through precious songs like this one. I woke up with only a few words in my mind, and couldn’t remember the name, but God works in mysterious ways. I praise you God for giving us your only begotten Son. JESUS

Patricia B

I love this song♥️🙌 but why are the last two lines in the 3rd and 4th verse different?


Lagos, Nigeria

This hymn came to my memory and I was glad to find this resource to help out. Refreshing to the soul that we have a name greater than any other name.

Esther Pauling

Hondo, TX, United States

Why are the last two lines different? I’ve always seen and sung it as “King of kings in heaven we’ll crown him when the journey is complete. ”

Thomson Hanse

Diphu, Assam, India

My favourite hymn lyrics

Stanza 4 is different:

4. Jesus' name we'll keep extolling,

Till we see Him, face to face;

We'll fall at His feet, rejoicing,

"King of kings" exalt and praise.