For Thee all the pleasures of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou,
If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, 'tis now.
And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree;
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, 'tis now.
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, 'tis now.
I'll ever adore Thee in glory so bright;
I'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, 'tis now.
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Kasane, Botswana
Yes, indeed thank you for sharing this uplifting story with us. My Jesus I love Thee, I KNOW Thou art mine.. what a testimony - and to think we shall meet those who were martyred for their faith in glory. May we too be found faithful, may we too Name the Name of Jesus and stand up for Christ no matter what and through the power of the Holy Spirit may we go in the strength of the Lord.
Spokane, Washington, United States
Norma C. Fay, thank you for sharing your story. I was deeply touched. What a beautiful witness for Christ these believers were!! Truly, they gloried Christ in death.... and loved Him to their very last breath: "....and say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow, 'If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus 'tis now!". The testimony you shared of their courage (given to them by the Holy Spirit's power in their lives) has encouraged me greatly to stand strong in Christ no matter what comes my way. WHAT A SAVIOUR WE HAVE!!!
Minehead, Somerset, United Kingdom
Norma, that is an incredible story, wow wow wow.
This was my favourite hymn as a boy in the Assemblies in South Wales UK. I used to sob every time we sang it. We are singing it on Sunday when I preach for the first time in my new church after moving areas. I bet I will shed a tear on Sunday :)
El Salvador City, Philippines
Heaven is Christ! If ever I love Him, love Him now. So inspiring yeah, while I am breathing, I must love Him now!
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
My just deceased Aunt, Ella Ruth Hutson, who arrived in China in 1948, to begin what would be a 40 year career as a Missionary, tells the following story about this hymn.
Although she was not present at this particular locale, when the Christian Missionaries were expelled from China at the time of the Communist take-over, she was told this story by missionaries who witnessed it.
At one area, where there was a young, but thriving church, the missionaries and the Chinese Christians were rounded up and taken outside the city. The Chinese converts were given the opportunity to recant their Faith. I don't know if any did, but many did not. Those who did not recant were then forced to dig their own mass grave, while the foreign missionaries were forced to watch. Sometime in the labor, a Chinese Believer started singing " My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine..." and it was taken up by the whole group of Believers. They sang this hymn over and over, as they completed the digging of their mass grave, and were forced into the pit, with women and children. Then, they continued singing it as the dirt was thrown into the pit to bury them alive. The last sound heard from the mass grave was this hymn being sung with the last breaths of the Chinese Believers who saw their Jesus that day.
My aunt went on to serve the remainder of her career in the island of Taiwan, sharing the Gospel of Christ, and extending the Kingdom of God. She retired in 1991, from 40 years of service to her Lord. She went Home to be with Him Last Sunday, June 3rd, 2012.
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I love hymns from my childhood. It tells the basics of my faith.
BK, CA, United States
John 3:16 For God so Love us so much that He gave the best out of Himself, Lord Jesus, that we may live forever and never be lost. Praise Him now and Forever. Amen.
United States
"If ever I loved Thee, Lord Jesus, 'tis now."
I love Thee Lord Jesus!!!
Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
How I love this song. It refreshes my consecration day by day. If ever that I would tell my love of the Lord, it is now. From moment to moment as long as He lends me breath I will tell Him "I love You, Lord Jesus and will serve You all my life." Amen.