A flowing river and a tree,
Eden's outstanding features are,
Man to supply with food and drink
That he may live fore'er.
God is in Christ to be my supply,
God as the Spirit nourisheth me;
If upon Christ in spirit I feed,
Filled with His life I'll be.
The tree the glorious Christ does show
As living food to man supplied,
That he God's riches may enjoy,
Thus to be satisfied.
God is in Christ to be my supply,
God as the Spirit nourisheth me;
If upon Christ in spirit I feed,
Filled with His life I'll be.
The river does the Spirit show,
Coming man's spirit to supply,
That with God's riches he be filled,
Holy to be thereby.
God is in Christ to be my supply,
God as the Spirit nourisheth me;
If upon Christ in spirit I feed,
Filled with His life I'll be.
The Christ of glory is my life,
He as the Spirit lives in mine,
That I with God be fully blent
And in His image shine.
God is in Christ to be my supply,
God as the Spirit nourisheth me;
If upon Christ in spirit I feed,
Filled with His life I'll be.
I would exalt this glorious Christ,
Ever the Spirit I'd obey,
Making His glory fully known,
Filled with His grace for aye.
God is in Christ to be my supply,
God as the Spirit nourisheth me;
If upon Christ in spirit I feed,
Filled with His life I'll be.
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New Zealand
God is in Christ to be my supply.
And soon I can be filled with this Christ to be my life!
Auckland, New Zealand
God gives Himself to us to be our supply.
Manukau, New Zealand
God is in Christ to be my supply, God as the Spirit nourisheth me. Praise the Lord that God is in Christ to be our supply, and that God as the Spirit nourishes us. Amen!
Auckland, New Zealand
God is food which we can eat, the true manna, the bread that comes down from out of heaven (John 6:48-51).
God is also water which we can drink, the living water, which quenches our innermost thirst (John 7:37-38).
Praise the Lord, we can live by Him!
Auckland, New Zealand
God is in Christ to be my supply,
God as the Spirit nourisheth me;
He wants to be our supply and daily nourishment. May we draw nearer to Him each each to receive the supply.
Auckland, New Zealand
Colossians 3:4 When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory.
The Christ of glory is our life! May we keep feeding upon this glorious Christ so we can shine in His image.
Auckland, New Zealand
Praise the Lord for that God humble Himself to be available for us to eat and drink. He is our unique supply!
New Zealand
God is our real food and real drink.
John 6:35 - I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes in Me shall by no means ever thirst.
Auckland, New Zealand
God is in Christ to be my supply; God as the Spirit nourisheth me. if upon Christ in spirit I feed, filled with His life I'll be. Praise the Lord for our spirit! we can feed upon Christ in our spirit, to absorb all the riches of Christ, to be filled with His life.
North York, Ontario, Canada
God is in Christ to be our rich supply, to nourish us moment by moment in everything. Lord we take You in. Thank you that we can be fully blended and mingled with you. Amen