My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ I have:
Oh, what a Christ have I!
Who full salvation brings;
He is the Sun of Righteousness,
With healing in His wings.
With fruit abundant, sweet;
My hunger He doth satisfy;
Of Him I daily eat.
Whence living waters burst;
He is the fountain in my heart
Which quenches all my thirst.
My comfort and my health,
My peace, my rest, my joy, my hope,
My glory and my wealth.
My boast and righteousness,
My vict'ry and redemption sure,
My truth and holiness.
My Advocate above,
My Counsellor, my Father, God,
My Brother, Friend, and Love.
My Teacher and my Guide,
My Bridegroom, Master and my Head;
In me doth He reside.
My Prophet full of sight;
My Priest that stands 'twixt me and God,
My King that rules with might.
And its Perfecter too,
My Mediator, Guarantee,
And faithful Witness true.
My all-sufficient land;
My fortress, tower, hiding-place,
And my eternal stand.
My morning and my day,
My age and my eternity
That ne'er will pass away.
In comeliness replete,
My satisfaction and delight,
Who all my need doth meet.
My Christ what shall I call?
He is the first, He is the last,
My Christ is All in all.
My heart doth sing for joy;
And I must sing, and sing again;
Oh, what a Christ have I!
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Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Amen, Christ is my everything!
Los Banos, CA, United States
Praise the Lord! My Advocate and Counsellor, enthroned at the right hand of God! Christ is my Savior, Shepherd, Lord,
My Advocate above,
My Counsellor, my Father, God,
My Brother, Friend, and Love.
Ngozi, Burundi
This song is very nice in me because my Jesus, is always my power, is my life, is my way, is my truth, is my faith, is my joy every day, Jesus changed a lot in my soul now I'm at peace because I have Him in me and He have me in Him, Amen.
Vista, CA, United States
Oh what a Christ have we! He is our treasure!
Irvine, CA, United States
O, what a Christ have I!
Fremont, California, United States
We just need to enjoy the All inclusive Christ as God, as Man and as the Reality of Our Necessities.
Whatever He is becomes our experience and enjoyment. Actually, we don’t really know what we need; what we know is that we need more of Him.
As we exercise our spirit day by day to contact the Lord, He adds Himself to us to complete us, perfect us, satisfy us, fill us, and thoroughly supply us. in Christ we lack nothing! Praise the Lord! 😀 Lord Jesus we ❤️ You!!!
United Kingdom
My Christ my Christ
My Christ, the all-inclusive One,
My Christ what shall I call?
He is the first, He is the last,
My Christ is All in all.
Since such a treasure I possess,
My heart doth sing for joy;
And I must sing, and sing again;
Oh, what a Christ have I!
Amen Hallelujah
Tampa, FL, United States
Christ is our all in all! Christ is our GOOD Land!!!
Lubbock, TX, United States
What a Christ have I!
Delhi, India
Since such a treasure I possess,
My heart doth sing for joy;
And I must sing, and sing again;
Oh, what a Christ have I!
Hallelujah. Christ is treasure in me. Amen.