Thou my everlasting Portion

Thou my everlasting Portion,
More than friend or life to me,
All along my pilgrim journey,
Savior, let me walk with Thee.
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Close to Thee, close to Thee;
All along my pilgrim journey,
  Savior, let me walk with Thee.
Not for ease or worldly pleasure,
Not for fame my prayer shall be;
Gladly will I toil and suffer,
Only let me walk with Thee.
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Close to Thee, close to Thee;
Gladly will I toil and suffer,
  Only let me walk with Thee.
Lead me through the vale of shadows,
Bear me o'er life's fitful sea;
Then the gate of life eternal
May I enter, Lord, with Thee.
Close to Thee, close to Thee,
Close to Thee, close to Thee;
Then the gate of life eternal
  May I enter, Lord, with Thee.
Samuel Wapwera

Salford Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Dwelling with the Master makes the Difference always. My soul touching hymn always BLESSED.

Hephzibah Igberaese

Lagos, Nigeria

This hymn is so uplifting. It's my spirit- inspired hymn for the year, so far.

Eldred Awani

Lagos, Nigeria

I never knew this beautiful hymn was written by beloved Fanny Crosby. I am deeply blessed by its lyrics and rhythm.

Sokhom Prak

Phnom Penh, Kampong Thom, Cambodia

Praise Jesus the Lord of lords!