搜索 13
NS818 As the Days Go By 新歌
NS1078 Draw me with cords of a man 新歌
NS121 Draw me, Lord 新歌
NS128 Draw me, dear Lord, with Your beauty 新歌
E388 Hold Thou my hand: so weak I am, and helpless 经典诗歌
E387 I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice 经典诗歌
NS148 Just to behold You 新歌
NS40 Lord Jesus, draw me 新歌
NS300 Lord, I do thank You for another day 新歌
NS236 Lord, in these days I want to set my heart 新歌
NS1079 Speak Lord, Thy servant's listening 新歌
E386 Thou my everlasting Portion 经典诗歌
NS246 Though I love You, Lord 新歌