Nothing between my soul and the Savior

Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
Naught of this world's delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure;
Jesus is mine, there's nothing between.
Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
So that His blessed face may be seen;
Nothing preventing the least of His favor,
  Keep the way clear! Let nothing between.
Nothing between, like worldly pleasure;
Habits of life, though harmless they seem,
Must not my heart from Him e'er sever;
He is my all, there's nothing between.
Nothing between, like pride or station;
Self-life or friends shall not intervene;
Though it may cost me much tribulation,
I am resolved; there's nothing between.
Nothing between, e'en many hard trials,
Though the whole world against me convene;
Watching with prayer and much self-denial,
I'll triumph at last, with nothing between.

Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas

This song give me an inspirational assurance of my relationship with God despite what the world and others may think or say. It's very soothing!

Bert A. Labawan

Davao City, Philippines

Oh, I love this song, it touches the deepest part of my soul. I used to hear it sung in my childhood church. Indeed, nothing should come between me and my Savior, not a thing, desire, work, or person.

Sister Lynne

Chicago, IL, United States

It is my endeavor to be a true witness for my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ; so I will not allow the enemy of my soul to separate me from the favor nor the promises of Him!


Gurnee, IL, United States

Let nothing get in your way of serving the Lord Jesus Christ!

Rae Jones

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Beautiful lyrics and such a song of commitment to being a Christian and a disciple for King Jesus.

Pr Evans Nwaomah

Auckland, New Zealand

This song is my favourite. This song encourages me to look forward and never to allow anything delusive to stand between me and God.

John Mulgrew

San Leandro, CA, U.S.A.

I like this song because it is written from a victorious perspective which is rare, but inspiring. I also like the objective: that His blessed face may be seen...nothing preventing the least of His favor! Mr. Tindley's life is exemplary. I wish I had his drive.

Louise Lockett

Warminster, PA, U.S.A.

I like this song because the author expressed his complete faith and loyalty in the Lord Jesus. He was born a black slave, but was self-educated as a child and was determined to serve the God whom had been with him throughout the early difficult years of his life. The music is beautiful.

Ruby W. VanMeter

Cresaptown, MD, U.S.A.

I like this song, cus it reminds me of my mother singing it loud in church, as I was a child, and tells me how much my mother loved Jesus.