Nothing between my soul and the Savior

Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
Naught of this world's delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure;
Jesus is mine, there's nothing between.
Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
So that His blessed face may be seen;
Nothing preventing the least of His favor,
  Keep the way clear! Let nothing between.
Nothing between, like worldly pleasure;
Habits of life, though harmless they seem,
Must not my heart from Him e'er sever;
He is my all, there's nothing between.
Nothing between, like pride or station;
Self-life or friends shall not intervene;
Though it may cost me much tribulation,
I am resolved; there's nothing between.
Nothing between, e'en many hard trials,
Though the whole world against me convene;
Watching with prayer and much self-denial,
I'll triumph at last, with nothing between.
Frank Alcamo

Oceanside, NY, United States

What a beautiful prayer and song. God help us to live the Words of this beautiful prayer and song.

Annmarie Brown

Hempstead, New York, United States

Such a beautiful old hymn. I remember years ago when my aunt and I used to sing this song during our devotion and the Holy Spirit dropped it in my spirit. There are so many worldly distractions that can come between my soul and the Savior but with God's Grace He will help with much denial and self preservation the Holy Ghost. Churches need to get back to these songs and stop playing those jumping up entertainment music that don't profit the soul but only satisfy the flesh.


Baltimore, MD, United States

What a great old hymn! How I am blessed by its message. Oh that every believer, myself included, could honestly say "there is nothing between my soul and my Savior." We need to do sing this hymn more often.


Kingston, Jamaica

There is nothing between my Lord and Savior. Such a fitting song in this fasting.


Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia

What a beautiful hymn. I am becoming more convinced that we need more hymns during church services.


My heart is pricked as I say/sing the words to this hymn. I love You Lord!!!


Harrisburg, PA, United States

Yes, Jesus! Nothing between us. May it be so now and always! Amen!

Sivle Seymour


That's the most beautiful testimony a dying soul can have when they're leaving this sinful world.

Frank Alcamo

Oceanside, NY, United States

What a beautiful prayer and challenge that is set before us in this song.


Kranskop, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Truly an inspirational hymn! We ought to keep our lives pure and clean with no sin, however small, separating us from the Lord.